Chapter 17

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Hi guys just giving warning that this chapter might get a little intense it doesn't have smut though so nothing to worry to about.. remember this is just a little warning.

Rachels POV


"Please let me go.. I'm begging you"

I still couldn't see and my arms are stinging from him whipping me.

"I said to stay quiet.. do you want another whipping?" He asked and I could tell he was frustrated about something.

Maybe I can help him with whatever he is mad about.

"C-can I ask one question?" I asked.

I know Finn would hate this idea but maybe it would save me from getting hurt more and for him to not hurt Finn or Kurt.

"10 seconds to speak"

God he is a dick.

"What if I live with you until you dont want me anymore?"

I asked curiously probably knowing that caused me more punishing.

"What do you mean live with me?"

Wait he actually sounded interested into this.

"W-what if you show me who you are and we can leave and never come back and I promise I wont tell anyone.. I will even break my phone so that I can't get any calls or messages from them"

Hopefully this will work even though I'm terrified.

"You have a plan don't you? A plan to get me expelled to everyone" And he sounded more upset than angry.

"Please just let me see you.. maybe I can help with something.." I asked begging as much as I can.

"Fine.. but if I hear any cops in the next day I'm gonna kill you and your friends and family" He said as he untied my blindfold.

It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the white room we were in. I looked around and as soon as my eyes adjusted to him I thought my heart stopped beating.

"S-sam?" I couldn't believe my eyes. Now I'm just upset and angry and hoping that he does get arrested.

"Rachel.. I never thought I would have to do this but I couldn't stand him hurting you.."

What?! So he has the nerves to hurt me and hide me away from everyone?

"What the hell Sam?! You were whipping me for that?! Because you don't want Finn hurting me anymore?! You are a sick sick person!" I couldn't help but scream at him and struggle to get out.

That's when he got angry and grabbed the whip. He must have anger issues cuz he hits hard.

I felt a sting on my face and it hurt so bad. I had tears in my eyes and I just sobbed. Why me? What did I do to derserve this?

"I told you no screaming or freaking out and you didn't listen so you needed to be punished"

As all that happened he left me in the dark and I soon cried myself to sleep.

I wish I didn't get mad at Finn.. Then I wouldn't be here.


Sorry for the short chapter again. anyways i read comments on my last chapter and you guys did not like the idea of Kurt dying. I didn't like it either but hey it gives it more interest.

This chapter did get a little intense and every chapter that is Rachels POV will probably get a little intense each time.

Leave your comments and thoughts!

Love you guys!

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