Chapter 20

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Finns POV


As I took in what just happened I realized I could get blamed for murder.

So I hurried up grab my stuff and left.

This is my chance to find Rachel, I need her help with this. Hopefully she is okay, I really care about her.

I walked around town going to places she showed me when we first met. I dont know where she found these out but they were beautiful.

I looked at the place we first met, and all of a sudden I broke down crying. I just cant believe she is actually missing, maybe injured or hurt because of me.

I just fell onto my knees and just sobbed.

I finally stopped and just layed on the ground and stared at the sky. Maybe she will just appear out of blue.

As hours went by I thought to myself that I could be looking for her. But hell, it wont be worth anything. I tried and everything I have done just makes everything worse.

So I sat up and realized it was getting dark. My mom is probably freaking out so I decided to call her.

As I heard it ring I suddenly heard my mom screaming at me.

"What the hell Finn?! Where the hell are you?! Are you okay?! Do you know how worried sick I was?!"

"Calm down, Ill be home soon" I said and with that I hung up.

I knew I was in some deep shit if she asked and cussed at the same time. So I decided to take the long way home.

All I thought about was Rachel and where she could be.

What if I can never find her? Or see her again?


Hi guys! Sorry for the wait.

Love you guys so much! thanks for 3.9K views! ♡♥♡♥

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