Chapter 8

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Rachel's POV
I still cant believe Finn told me that.
I thought he was different but I was right. He's just like every other guy.
I really liked him, he actually made me feel special. What am I saying? I deserve this, I blamed him for something that he wasn't going to even do.

As I fixed my make-up I left the bathroom 35 minutes after Finn said that to me.
I did hear there is a party going on at Noah's house tonight.

I think I'm gonna go and forget about what happened. I wont drink because I'm not old enough but maybe I can find someone new. Someone who will actually care about me. Unlike Finn..

There I go again. I keep thinking of him and its bugging me. I really just want to kiss him and just call him mine.

I didn't realize that I actually just slapped myself. The janitor looked at me like I was stupid so I just gave him a death stare and he just walked on.

I got my stuff and left the school.
On my way home I thought about what happened today. It was such a long and terrible day.
No one talked to me except Kurt.
I kept getting evil looks, maybe Finn told people a different story and they believed him.

No stop. We are going to go the party and forget about him. Who am I talking to?

"Hi dad" I said as I walked inside.

"Hey sweetie, how was school" he asked while sitting watching HGTV and drinking tea.

"Eh, can I go to Quinn's house tonight for a sleep over?" I had to lie. If I told him I was going to a party then I would be in deep trouble. And its not like I actually talk to Quinn so she won't know.

"Yeah of course honey! Just be back tomorrow before it gets too late okay?"

"Thank you Daddy" I kissed his cheek then went upstairs.

As I got into my room I called Kurt and started packing clothes for his house.

"Hello this is Hummel speaking"

Did he seriously just say that?

"Uh hi Kurt, its me Rachel" I tried not to laugh.

"Oh hi Rach, what do you need?"

"Could I maybe come over tonight after I go to Noah's party?"

Hopefully he will say yes.

"Of course! Need me to pick you up?"

"Yes please"

Yes! Planned worked out perfectly!

"Alright hun, be there soon" And he hung up the phone.

Okay, got my dress and make-up.
Thankfully Kurt is amazing with that stuff so he can make me look good.
Im looking forward to this party. I have a good feeling that I will meet someone new.

And forget about Finn.

Well, there will be a new chapter tomorrow!
Im gonna start writing a new chapter at least every other day!

Keep up the comments! Thanks for the love guys! ❤

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