Chapter 21

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Rachel's POV


As I woke up I realized I was in a small bedroom. All I could see was a small bed with a very small dresser, even though I only have one outfit. I looked down and also realized I wasn't tied up to a chair. That's when I started getting suspicious.

As I got up and looked around I noticed none of Sam's stuff is here. So the first thing I do is call for him.

"Sam, you here?"

That's when I realized I could make a run for it but no I look for the one that is killing me.

I did start to get worried because what if he got killed and someone else kidnapped me?!

By now I was pacing back and forth when I heard a knock on the door. I jumped and screamed a little.

"Who is it?" I asked while looking for a weapon.

"Sam, can I come in?" Thank god he is okay I thought to myself as I walked over to the door and opened it.

He walked in and I have to admit he was looking pretty cute. Damn it Rachel don't fall in love with him too.

"Where were you? And how come I wasn't tied up or anything like that?" I tried too hard to act like I wasn't scared or worried but it broke when my voice got a little shaky and quiet.

All he did was laugh softly to himself and then looked me in the eyes. "You are hungry aren't you?"

All I could do was remember that I haven't eaten for days but I guess when your terrified on if you will live to see tomorrow then you don't realize your probably starving.

All I did was nod and walk over to him.

"What did you get?" I asked looking around for food.

He just laughed and smiled a very adorable smile. "I'm gonna take you out"

My mouth just dropped. All I could think of was that he is either crazy or is planning on not actually taking me out to eat and to some other place to kill me with a gang of other weirdos.

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"There isn't one, I mean this will be the only time I do this but I'm only doing it because I don't feel like cooking and also I want a burger" He said while grabbing his wallet and a jacket.

"Fine but I will hurt someone if you do anything stupid" I said acting all tough even though I'm not.

He laughed and looked at me. "Then why haven't you done that already?" Then he walked out grabbing my arm.

I thought about what he said. And then I just realized he is taking me out in a public place. A place where someone can help me. I just followed him and tuned him out while he talked about food.

Maybe this is my only chance out.


Hey guys sorry for not posting in forever! Thank you for still following and stuff!

Love you guys!

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