chapter 26

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Finns POV

"R-Rachel" was all I said once I saw her standing next to Sam. She looked like she had been beaten and starved to death. Then again she had been missing for almost a week now.

She ran up to me yelling something but I was too busy focusing on him, Sam Evans. The one who took the love of my life away from me. I began to walk up to him and couldn't help but punch him. My body was controlling it self now, I was furious and didn't care what I did to him. In the back ground I heard a faint voice yelling stop but I was to busy not to care. Then I got slapped which caught my attention to Rachel.

I knew what I had to do when she looked at me. "Go, you need to go now" and with that she did. She ran faster than I have ever seen her run before. But before she made it far that's when this all changed.

The police came, someone else knew about all this other than the three of us. But who? I left Sam on the ground, bleeding and whining and ran up to Rachel. She looked at me relieved and happy again, I actually saw some color in her face.

"Who called the police?" I had to ask but before Rachel answered Sams cousin who worked at the restaurant responded.

"I did" she said as she got out of the police car. "Rachel secretly slipped me a note saying help so I followed them and turned out Sam has been beating, torturing and who else knows to this poor girl.

I looked surprised. I honestly can't believe that this is all over. "So you two knew that this was the last day of being missing?" I looked at Rachel then back at the girl.

"Not exactly, I told Rachel just to hang on and I will get police there as soon as possible" she smiled as the police put Sam into the car.

I haven't seen Rachel this happy since the first day of school with her, so I had to smile back. She looked up at me and... wait for it... kissed me. Full out kissed me on the lips. I smiled so bright, I'm sure it was brighter than the sun.

"Come on, let's go home and get you cleaned up. We have a lot to talk about" I wrapped my arm around her and walked her and Sam's cousin over to a different police car and went home.

Guess god did care for what was happening. And I couldn't be happier.


Well hi guys, sadly its coming to an end. But I do promise that there is one more chapter left so don't worry. But after this I will make a new book and it will be more about romance then whatever you would call this. Thanks for the good feedback! LOVE YOU GUYS!

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