Chapter 4

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After 20 minutes of awkwardness in the car, Finn finally pulled up to the restaurant.

"Here I can get your door." Finn said as he got out of the car and walked over to Rachel's door opening it.

"Thank you kind sir" Rachel smiled as he grabbed her hand and held it while they walked in.

"This is a really fancy restaurant Finn" It was huge! It looked really expensive and Rachel felt like he shouldn't spend this much on her.

"I get deals here, my friend Puck works here and he normally gives me 'secret' deals I guess" Finn said smiling while looking down at me.

"Oh, well thats awesome?" I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

Finn chuckled "Its very awesome"

Well so far so good, I thought to myself while smiling at Finn.

"Ready to go get a seat?"

"Yes" Lets hope this all goes well.

As Finn led Rachel to a booth, she just kept looking around like something bad might happen.

"Are you okay?" Finn asked curiously.

"Oh yeah Im fine, I just" Rachel sighed not wanting to tell him the real reason. "Im just really nervous and when Im nervous I act really weird"

Finn notice how red she got and he will admit that he got pretty red too.
"Thats totally fine, when Im nervous I sweat. A lot."

Rachel couldn't help but giggle which only caused Finn to smile and blush.

"Then we both have something embarrassing about ourselves" Rachel smiled very pleased with herself to find something embarrassing about Finn.

"So, your dads are gay?" Finn asked curiously not trying to sound against it or anything.

"Yes they are, I've met my mom before but she lives in New York, she is on Broadway." I smiled at the thought of me being on Broadway after I graduate.

"Thats great, Its just me and my mom. My dad died a while ago. I never got to meet him but I look up to him" Finn smiled a little.

"I'm sorry to hear that Finn" I couldn't help but put my hand on top of his. It just felt like the right thing to do.

Finn looked at their hands then Rachel and smiled. "It's fine, its the good thoughts that count"

"Yeah" I was smiling like an idiot just looking at him.

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