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Brooke smirked to herself as she answered the door as she saw Freddie. She looked to him and smirked

"hey what are you doing here" she asked as he pulled her outside and looked to her and smirked

"I just wanted to see you. I missed you" he said as he grabbed her by the waist as he pushed her against the wall as he leant in and kissed her.

Brooke smirked into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. He started to kiss her neck. Brooke could feel herself become more mad more turned in

"come on" Brooke said as she lead him inside.

She lead him to the bedroom and smirked as he grabbed her waist and pulled her close as he lead her to the bed. He pushed her down onto it as he climbed on top of her. He got between her legs.

Brooke moaned as she felt his hands trail up between her legs as he started to pleasure her. She bite her lip and rolled her head back

"Freddie" she moaned as he pulled away and smirked before he pulled her close as pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her    

Brooke walked back into the lomax house as she saw Sam who was looking at her

"and where have you been" Sam asked as Brooke looked to her and rolled her eyes

"out having a life it is allowed you know" Brooke said

"dont talk to me that way Brooke and I know who you were with Freddie roscoe, I told you to stay away from him he is bad news" Sam said as Brooke rolled her eyes

"oh Please. You can't stop me what are you going to do frame him for a robbery like you did with Cameron" Brooke said as Sam looked to her and frowned

"believe it or not I am looking out for you" Sam said as Brooke rolled her eyes

"he is bad news Brooke, I know you are young and you think it is exciting to meet someone who you think that you love bit he is bad new, he is a criminal and he will break your heart and you will end up hurt and I don't want that for you" Sam said as Brooke looked to her and sighed

"think what you want but you don't Freddie not like I do. He loves me and he would do anything for me. You don't know him" Brooke said as she walked off.

She was going to let anyone come between her and Freddie

Brooke sat in her room as Lexie walked in. Brooke looked to her and sighed

"please don't tell me that mum sent you in to talk over Freddie I am not interested" Brooke said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"I know, I know your not and I know that you love Freddie and as long as he treats you right that's all I care about. You are my little sister and I will always look out for you. Just be careful okay as I don't want you to get involved in his life of crime okay" Lexie said as Brooke looked to her and nodded

Brooke had no idea how hard it would become to keep that secret as she fell in love with Freddie roscoe

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