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Brooke stood outside of the garage as she waited for Freddie. She smirked as he walked out and over to her

"and what are you doing here" he said as Brooke looked to him and rolled her eyes

"what can't I come and see you. I missed you" Brooke said as Freddie smirked

"and I missed you but I have a job on and if your mother knew then she would arrest me" Freddie said as Brooke smirked

"i could come with you. Don't worry i don't tell" Brooke said as Freddie smiled

"come on then" Freddie said as he lead her to the car. She got in and looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed.

Brooke placed a hand on his cheek as she kissed him back passionately and smirked as she pulled away as Freddie drove off. Brooke knew the life that Freddie left and she knew that the last thing that she should be doing was getting involved in it.

But she knew that she coins to help herself. She was already hooked on Freddie and she didn't care who knew.

He was like a drug to her and she knew that she wasn't giving him up

Brooke smirked as she walked over to Freddie and kissed him

"remember not a word" he said as he kissed her. She looked to him and smiled

"I can do as i am told" she said as he looked to her and smirked

Brooke looked as he wakes off as she went to walk off towards the lomax house as Lexie walked after her and smiled

"and what have you been up to?" Lexie asked as Brooke looked to her sister and smirked

"I don't know what you mean l. I was just Out with Freddie" Brooke said as Lexie looked to her sister and rolled her eyes.

Lexie wasn't stupid and she knew what her sister was like and she knew that getting involved with Freddie wasn't going to be good for her but she also knew that there was no talking Brooke out of it

"you know he's bad news" Lexie said as Brooke looked to her and rolled her eyes

"and warren fox isn't?"

"I'm not sixteen. Mum will not allow this and she'll do all she can to stop it. You know it" Lexie said as Brooke looked to her and sighed

"well don't tell her" Brooke said as walked off into the shop

Brooke smirked to herself as she let Freddie in.

She looked to him and smirked and gestures for him to be careful as she lead him to her bedroom. He looked to her and smirked as he kissed her

"your really playing fire aren't you?" Freddie asked as she looked to him and smirked as she pulled him close and moaned as he pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her as they stripped off.

He pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.

She dug her nails into him. Knowing that this was only the start for them

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