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Brooke woke up in bed and sighed. She knew that she felt awful and she knew it was all the stress that she had been under and she knew that it was taking its toll on her

Broken lay in bed as she sat texting Freddie. She knew how her dad was gone and how she had to face the funeral and for that came wasn't ready or prepared for it.

Brooke got dressed and walked down the stairs and smirked as she sat Lexie in the kitchen. Lexie looked to her and smiled

"Hey are you okay. You look dreadful" Lexie said as Brooke looked to her sister and rolled her eyes

"Well thanks. I'm okay it's just a lot has happened and I nurse I am just getting my head around it all" Brooke said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard and it hasn't been easy. But we will get through this and the hospital called and there's news on mum and I think she's improving and hopefully she will be okay" Lexie said as Brooke smiled

Brooke hoped that Lexie was right and that it would be okay as Brooke knew as overbearing as her mother was she did love her and she knew that she couldn't loose another parent.

Brooke knew that she just wanted it to all be okay. Brooke knew that they had lost their dad and that they couldn't deal with it if they lost Sam too

"Hey I know that your worried but it will be okay" Lexie said as Brooke smiled

Brooke got to the garage and smiled as she saw Freddie "hey are you okay?" He asked as he turned to face Brooke as she walked over to him and hugged him

He looked to her and smiled as he hugged her back "what's wrong" he asked

"I went to see my dad at the morgue and start the arrangements with Lexie. I guess at my guess I never thought I'd loose a parent never mind be planning a funeral" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I know the feeling I was a young when I lost my dad but I want you to know I am here and you have Lexie and it will be okay" he said as Brooke smiled

"I love you" she said as he leant in and kissed her and smiled

"I love you too" he said as Brooke smiled

Brooke got to the hospital as she saw Lexie and frowned "I got your call what happened" Brooke asked. She knew they she was fearing the worst

"They done a mri scan. They are going to wake her up but there's swelling on her brain" Lexie said as she looked to him and frowned

"What does that mean?" Brooke asked

"It means they can wake her up but it doesn't look good. She could have brain damaged and could of lost her memory and we won't know until she wakes" Lexie said as Brooke frowned

The thought of it made her feel sick as she felt as if she had lost her mum all over again but would Sam be okay?

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