Ch. 1 / Begonia

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Tommy Pov :
Begonia : Flower Of fear and misfortune
Tw : Kidnapping, MENTION of eating disorder
(Dream is chasing the child after escaping prison like two seconds ago)


   Wind repeatedly brushed my face in a patterned form. Each step echoed with a duplicate of my fear. Adrenaline pulsed back and forth through my veins threatening to end my run, something I hope wouldn't happen.

"Tommy, stop being dramatic, it's quite bothersome"

   Tubbo spoke harshly in response. The shock overwhelmed me causing my feet to cross from under me. One second I was sprinting, the next I was plunging to the ground.

    Confusion overcame me when I didn't feel the dirt on my body, but two cold hands holding me just above the floor instead. I shivered when I realized they weren't tubbos.

A strong pain overflowed my senses as it placed itself on my head. Heated liquid begun to drip from my head in quick droplets. My head begun to almost pulse with a repeated burn. Was I wounded?

The voice I'd always learned to fear had again tapped into my thoughts attempting to steal them and morph them like a puppet with its own strings.

"Sleep, Tommy."

   I clutched what felt like a hand, allowing myself to whisper under my breath,

"I don't want to sleep,"

   Dizziness flooded my vision swinging what I saw into multiple directions. Words faded away from my mind slowly becoming inaudible. Leaving a few seconds of pure darkness to follow. Damp trees, occasional rain, and block splotches.

"Who let Dream out of prison!"

   The sound cut off as it finally became nothing. My conscience slipped away alongside my senses within seconds. I reached my hand up trying to leave only to feel a circular item. What you can imagine were tears gleamed in my eyes. That was Dream, and he could kill me again.

(Blubbbbbbbb later)

Light shone into the room. A dried feeling of water covered my face. To rephrase Tears stained my eyes but my memory of them was fuzzy. Confusion overwhelmed me irritating a wound I don't remember having.

My legs swung lightly over the fluffed bed that sunk delicately when weight was shifted. I wobbled across the cold floor leading to a doorway. I grasped the doors handle expecting it to be locked but instead it opened.

The acute angle id opened it to was nothing when I let's myself rest upon it. The door flung down words exposing me to the ground. Just before I managed to hit, two hands held me from it. One letting go to extend its help towards me.

"T-thanks I guess,"

I lifted myself using the hand provided. My head tilted upwards revealing a mask slightly ajar to the person I was viewings hood. My eyes widened in shock as I comprehended who I was staring at.

A hardened look entered the hollow gaze I'd been receiving from him. Dream.

"You should be more careful Tommy, you hit your head pretty hard."

Was he really being considerate or did he need something.

"W-wh-y? N-no,"

I tried to speak but no words left my mouth. The damp tears began to flow in a response.

"Relax, straining your head isn't smart now is it?"

He murmured something beneath his breath but i never got a chance to hear it. Soft ringing had already engulfed most of my available hearing.

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