Ch. 2 / Chrysanthemum

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Tommy Pov :
Chrysanthemum : Flower of Death in a few countries
Tw: Possible Panic attacks, flashback, my writing, vomiting 🙌
(Tommy has been awake for a few seconds, he placed the pills in a crevice beneath the pillow)

     The fire crackled ahead of me as Dream spoke of his plan. His words practically slid off his tongue leaving me to sulk in confusion. Previous conversation has been constructed taking all relevancy to this and my plan.

"Are you still awake Tommy?"

Phil's deep voice spoke. I shifted in my blanket but I knew my best bet was to just fake a wake up. I groggily sat up rubbing my left eye with my hand in a fist.

"What? Oh."

Damn it, my voice was too loud for someone who'd just woken up. To try and save my act I yawned in a way that actually sounded quite realistic.

"I'm your father, I know you were awake."

     Damn Phil always commenting on my actions, I don't understand how someone who was hardly around would get anywhere.

    Dream stood up to speak but George took the chance quickly,

"No he was asleep, I made sure before walking away and I checked again when I came back,"

      George's eyes met mine as he gave me a small smile before turning back towards Phil.

"Heh guess dads don't know everything,"

    Dream chuckled before suggesting I go up to my own room anyways. He looked away from me and continued his plan like I wasn't there.

    I stood up and walked towards the door, not the one for my room, the one for the exit.

"Tommy, where do you think your going,"

     Dream slammed his hands on the table causing me to shake. I shuttered thinking about all he could do, especially when I noticed what techno was eating, potatoes.

"Hmm I don't know where I'm going, out this door maybe? Hmm I'll tell you what's behind it if you don't already know!"

      I reached for the handle but George was stronger than a concussed boy. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me backwards.

"Let go of me goddammit!"

    All eyes followed me, I was causing a scene.

"Just let me go see fucking Tubbo dream, this is pointless. I'm not in any danger between these next few days."

      I struggled against George but I couldn't prevail. He slammed me as softly as he could back onto the couch.

"Tommy, calm down."

     He placed the blanket over me once again but now the room felt too hot for that. I pushed it off me kicking George by accident. Regret was attempting to pull me.

     I stood up knowing not even dream would dare follow. I heard techno say "hey!" And dream call my name. By instinct I looked back to see a potato.

     Horror engulfed my vision reintroducing the black splotches. Everything shook as I felt myself reach the ground.

"How did you make him listen Dream I don't understand, I couldn't make him do that for years how?"

     Phil's voice disgusted me. The food in my stomach continued to cause an ache with the additional sight. It churned until I could no longer take it, my legs were numb but I somehow knew where to go.

     I reached a bathroom and let the warm liquid drip from my mouth. My gagging continued as I tasted what now resided in my breath. Their speech continued with Dream sending George back to where I went.

    I continued to watch myself occasionally in the mirror as I hurled. A guttural noise came from my throat as I tried to clear it but all I did was make myself cough.

"Jesus Tommy, I didn't think a potato could be that bad."

      I looked down to see puddles across the floor, I thought I'd been at the toilet this whole time? I swayed back and forth just looking at the disgusting scene.

"G-George, help me leave here, p-please, I c-cant take it,"

    Shaky breaths left my mouth as George reached his hand out to me,

"Dream has other bathrooms, I'll clean this up while you shower in one, ok?"

     I nodded my head allowing my hand to reach his. He placed me upon his back and walked towards another room. I could hear him turn a faucet and feel like water before handing me a hoodie with a towel attached below it.

     Beneath were more clothes but I shrugged. I placed them above the toilet seat relieving me from bearing any weight.

"I'll be right back, and Tommy, just remember, it's more our intention to hurt you."

(Ehehehhehe blub no time skip)

     I opened the curtain and placed the towel over me. Now that is had some time to think I was finally ready to leave. My hand held the red sweatshirt I my hands proudly. I moved my hand slightly to see blue gleaming from those uncovered spots.

     Prints of my hands stained the sweatshirts red shade. I slid the undershirt on and the shorts before rushing out to the main room.

     The syndicates glares failed to faze me as I held the shirt to dream. He cocked his eyebrow before taking it.

"Your hands bleached the hoodie-?"

     He looked at it again and passed the sweatshirt to techno. His hands created another imprint along its sides.

"Welcome to the immune, that sweatshirt is sown together with pieces of the egg, you bleached it cause your immune,"

   George rushed back in and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Well now that you know Tommy let's go to bed huh? Heh,"

"Despite what you say George he deserves to know,"

    Techno spoke clearly. His voice sounded sincere without a trace of mockery.

"I'd have to agree George, you want to protect him? Might as well save him the pain,"

    Phil also sounded strange. Dream ignored the topic and placed his feat above the table,


     Dreams voice caught my attention. I propped my head to make direct eye contact as he spoke.

"It's tubbo,"

      I looked at him with eyes full of hope that slowly faded like a flickering candle.

"He's dead."

     A solemn look danced over his face while even Niki held remorse. Undeniably, I was sad, still, I let myself listen to my steps rhythmically as I walked towards the room id been in before.

"Good night!"

     I spoke with my voice cracking. Tears trickled down my face as I desperately seeked comfort in my pillows and blankets. Goodnight Tubbo, atleast now I know one way to escape.

(Sorry about the immune thingy, I just wanted a way to tell them apart yk???? Yeahhhhh)

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