Ch. 5 / Aconite

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Tommy POV
Aconite : the flower representing, hatred, be cautious
Tw: ed, language, Dream, violence

His grip around my shoulders lightened as we reached the dimly lit cottage. Was he angry with my actions? Disappointed? I hadn't expected the outcome, had I? Instead I got pity.

"I've already told you! I'm not hungry! I've been kidnapped so at least give me this one?"

     The view of his glare sharpened as we trudged through the doorway. Within seconds I was satisfied with my commentary, just not it's intention.

"Dream! Are you hearing me?"

"Unless you actually need something, shut up,"

      The severity in his voice had diminished leaving only anger and my expected disappointment. This ass hat had the audacity to tell me that.

   A steaming plate was shoved ahead of me urgently. I could tell it was newly made due to the scent now engulfing the kitchen and the apron resting around dreams waist.

    I confidentially pushed it away. My actions were an attempt to show, I'm not going to eat it, what will you do about it? So why was he responding just by standing still. Was he saying, I won't let you have the satisfaction?

    Footsteps trailed behind me revealing only one thing, George.

"Thomas Simmons, eat everything off that plate,"

     His voice struck fear into my body. I shook my head rapidly before placing it on the table, covered in the shelter of my hands. Tears trickled down my face, taking unauthorized residence along my cheeks.

"I'm not asking again,"

    I pinched myself repeatedly only imagining how Phil would never do this. No this way at least.


    The voice rise and his hand movement was just a lot to have in the given moment. I flinched backwards falling off the chair, scrambling to my original corner.

"I'd be less traumatized dead dream, you were wrong,"

      Regret seeped out of my eyes, I didn't want to die, I don't want to die, right?

"Right then, don't ask dream, I'll do it for him,"

      George grasped something and plunged it towards me. I could feel something incredibly sharp skim it's edges over my neck. The knife suddenly pulled back, saving me somewhat.

"George what are you doing!"

     I urged myself to speak but found it hard to get any sound. My jaw was moving but my voice wasn't?

"I-, Stop trying to speak, call Techno, I have something to discuss but it seems I can't leave you two alone,"

     Dream reached into his pocket and pulled out some sort of wrapping paper. He crouched beside me before speaking,

"Tap your hand if you can't talk, tap twice if you're struggling to breath, and three times for all."

     I softly tapped the wooden floor three times before feeling a strong pull against the wound. Warmth pressed against my throat as dream wrapped the bandage.

"I don't know how this will affect you, we will have Phil take a look so don't worry much. Don't move much either,"

      He carefully helped me up and over to my original couch.

"Don't lay down until we are sure it's ok,"

      I struggled to nod but he got my point.

"George, do not touch him, watch from here,"

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