Ch. 6 / Angel Tears

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Tommy Poc
Angel Tears : the flower representing ???
Tw: ed, language, Dream, violence

"Sapnap? What are you doing with Tommy?"

I shuttered upon hearing my name. Immediately I knew no choice but to run behind Sapnap. Fear crept into my eyes making them bloodshot with terror.

"Oh, he said he was ready to go? Something wrong?"

Cracked glass sounded from the other side of the room, techno and Phil were now here too. I was done for.

"Unfortunately he isn't supposed to be here, he's supposed to be in the other room with me."

Phil's voice sounded almost angry. He'd helped me and I'd left but I was justified wasn't I? No it's not a question, it was completely different than he saw it.

"Sap, send Tommy over to Dream and I, Phil you and techno can head on home, we've got it from here."

He slightly turned around to see my horrified expression. Tears laced my cheeks alongside the small taints of blood across my face. I clutched his shirt's backing, feeling the silky material I'd had when I was younger.

"Uh I don't think he wants to let go of me? Here, I'll walk with you guys,"

Dream nodded trying to look sympathetic but I could see through it. This was manipulation intended to prevent my fear. They all wanted me to feel safe but it just would never work.

"Come on Tommy, we are following them."

His hand reached for mine just as I was about to turn for the door. His understanding of the situation he'd only just seen was incredible. He was even careful about it, I know this since my hand was being held lightly.

I trailed behind them back into the main room, up the stairs, through the hallways, straight to my room. This room where George watched me sleep.

"Well, I think it's time you get on to bed Tommy,"

My back stiffened as I approached the twin sized bed. Carefully I laid down, back to the bed frame looking straight at the wall. I slouched until I slowly reached a normal position. Head on the pillow, almost asleep.

"George, you stay here, I'll explain to Sapnap,"

I scanned the room for anything, a weapon, something I could use against George, but there wasn't anything. All I could do was lay there, in total darkness, with too much fear to sleep.

"Can you speak ok?"

"Just hurts a bit."

My smile was hidden by layers of hatred and pain. Someone, please, help me.

"I didn't mean to hurt you,"

I nodded trying to end the conversation but it was to know avail. He just continued on without taking so much as a breath or even hint.

"Are you hungry for anything? We got desserts from the smp?"

For once I acknowledged his comment and accepted it.

"Yeah why not,"

I live in fear to deny his requests. His voice is like thorns, you have to accept them to grasp the rose behind it.

"Come on then, who cares what Dream says, kids should never go to bed without dessert."

My toes met the cold floor as I slid towards the ground.

"Want me to give you a piggyback ride?"

Him? The guy who repeatedly hurt me, giving me a piggyback ride?


"No, I'm serious! Here."

George kneeled to the ground and motioned for me to climb on. I couldn't say no, he'd kill me.

I lifted myself onto his back, trying not to shift my weight at all. We progressed through the hall quickly until we reached the room with Sapnap and Dream.

"Oh hey guys!"

His happy voice burned words into my head that I'd forever be condemned to listen to.

"Shouldn't Tommy be asleep?"

George shook his head and motioned towards the desserts, goodie.

"Oh, alright well Sapnap is back so we were going to celebrate anyways,"

(Short sorry, rewriting my drafts)

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