Ch. 7 / chrysanthemums

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Tommy Pov
chrysanthemums: the flower representing goodbyes
Tw: ed, language, Dream, violence

My fork hovered above the sweets as I observed the perfectly twirled cream resting on top. Vomit sunk beneath my throat as I thought of each bit of visible sugar powdered like makeup onto the top.

A decoration of sprinkles rested on top tainted with chocolate so rich it could provide a lifetime to anyone.

Or maybe that was an exaggeration provided to help save someone from their endangered beliefs. The death of sense inside the head of a dying breed people call hero's.

"Tommy, playing with food isn't healthy Isnt too polite, you should know that."

Dreams voice awoke me from the nightmare of thoughts cursing my head.

"I- sorry."

I stuttered a response.

"Your fine,"

My eyes trailed the room looking for somewhere or something I could cling on to but all there was were two men and a manipulator.

"So, Sapnap, good to be back?"

"Sure dream."

"Anything interesting?"

His head shook twice before turning towards me.

"And you Tommy? Anything interesting happen for you?"

I glanced towards dream before he nodded. He intended to let me speak but I, I just didn't think I knew what to say.


I blurted out.


Dream spoke out immediately. His voice stern and stare harsh.

"Don't speak to Sapnap like that, ever!"

     Shock overcame me as just the slightest raise of voice pushed me over. My feet moved on instinct pulling me to my room.

"Hey! Wait!"

The door slammed behind me as I folded down into the small thing I'd been moments before. Arms crossed my knees like a safe haven in mountains of snow piling up.

"God I feel like I'm going to freeze."

    Something clumped in my throat until I was gasping for the air to return and grace my lungs with the reassurance of breath. A harsh cold strung my body into a spiral that could only slowly descend.

"I need to just take a minute,"

     Just as I said it, it happened. The world seemed to freeze into the ice of a new winter lake quiet and light. The room grew silent and any amount of sound could make you fall through.

"While they are preoccupied with Sapnap's return, I can form my escape plan."

    Instinctively I reached to lock the door before walking towards the bed. If I intend to make my big escape, it has to be good, well thought out.

     It will be?

        It wasn't

I should've prepared more

(Sorry it's short) lol I need other story ideas, idk if this deserves a sequel 🙌🧐. Please give me ideas.)

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