Back Where It All Began

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Sara Pov

     It was difficult comming back to this place. I didn't want to come, but I knew how to navigate throughout the island. The team would end up dead without me. I knew saving me would mean having to see younger me, though she would most likely think she was dreaming or halusinating.

     I remember most of my time on this island. No matter how much I tried to forget I couldn't. By this time the team is already stepping out of the ship, I decide to do the same before they get them selves killed.

     Ava steps of the ship with me, "We should get going, before sundown." I try to say this with no emotion, but I was too scared to hide the fact. "Only step where I step and don't touch anything else."

     All of the legends comply and follow my orders. We reach the plane Me, Oliver, Slade, and Shadow used as shelter. It became to dark to travel, exoecially on the island, so I decide to let the legends rest in the plane for a while, Slade and Oliver were on the Freiter with me at this point of time.

"What is this place." Amaya questioned.

"Home, for the time I was here." They all look at me, realizing how terrible the island was to where I would result living in a crashed jet. "I shouldn't be back for a little longer, Oliver and Slade might be sooner, so sit down for about five minutes then we'll get going." They all sit down, I walk away, I know their pittying me, but for what their going to see next their gonna need some energy.

     It has been five minutes, I decide this is long enough for a rest. I call the legends over and tell them the plan, "Alright, so we need to save younger me. I need you guys to hold off Darhk, if I'm right Slade will be in the tent with me." They look at me, I can tell their wondering why I'm in a tent but I'd rather not say anything about my time here.

     Suddenly I feel a sharp pain graze at my shoulder, leaving a burning sensation flowing through out my body. I grab my shoulder, then look down at my hand, blood staining my skin. I turn around and see none other that Ivo. Not him, I'd rather see Darhk or even Eobard thawne, atleast my team knew about them.

(A/N I don't know how else to make him seem like a terrible person, he just killed some people, which they all have, so just imagine him being really bad in whatever way you want. Also, not saying killing people isn't bad, just not in the show, don't kill people please👍)

     I reach around to grab somebody, anybody. I can feel my heartbeat speed up, the blood pumping, I can't breathe. I can't feel anybody only myself, and the darkness of unconsciousness.


Ava Pov

     I hear a loud bang then Sara move forward grabbing her shoulder. She looks around, she looks like she's going to pass out. I turn around in synch with her and the rest of the legends and see a man standing there. I see Sara move back and reach for someone, she ends up blacking out and unconscious on the dirt covering the path.

     The man walks over to her, his crew pointing there guns at us. He takes her putting her in his arms. "Who are you, and why does Sara look older? Are you time traveler's like Darhk, and Slade Wilson told us about?" We all look at him, realizing he's working for Darhk and Slade.

"Let her go, they will destroy you and your plan if you work for them." I say almost in tears, he continues to hold Sara. I wonder why she was so surprised to see him. Wait, maybe he's the one who almost killed Sara on the island. One of many, she has had nightmares about him, Oliver, and a girl named Shadow.

     I grab a knife out of my pocket and throw it straight at his ugly face, (no offence to the actor just in this story, you get it) it prices his eye, and immediately he falls to the ground, dropping Sara. The crew behind him doesn't move, their in shock, so am I.

     "Come on, we need to save her" the team looks at me, realizing that I just killed someone. "I said, Come on." The team attacks, I run over to the unconscious Sara, she has a pool of blood surrounding her shoulder and some blood comming from her head.

     I pick her up and sit her up against a tree, pushing on the wound. The team finishes knocking out the other crew. They all run over to where Sara is knocked out. Constantine takes of his tie and hands it to me to wrap her arm.

"We can't go anywhere without her awake, we have no idea how to navigate this place." Amaya says quietly. I look at her and nod, fear visible in my eyes.

     I hear leaves crunching next to me, and Sara moving. She's awake. She looks around, I can tell she's scared, and confused of where she is and what happened. I look her in the eyes, she is unable to keep eye contact probably the head injury. Then I see her wince and grab her arm.

"Yeah, you got shot, then dropped and you hit your head on a rock." Zari says making it seam like no big deal.

"Thanks, y'know for saving me." Sara says under her breathe. Quickly grabbing her head, she winces trying to hide her most likely excruciating headache.

"No problem, but we should get to saving you, past you." I say slightly rushing Sara to get better and to her feat.

     She stands up, I can tell her wound hurts. I give her a hug, avoiding the bullet wound. "I think the bullet is still in my arm." She says with a wince.

"We can get it out, but it's going to hurt and slow us down." I reply. She nods in response, and continues to follow the path, grabbing a gun from one of the men.


Sara Pov

     I look at Ava and walk away, this bullet is rubbing against my bone, believe me I know the feeling.  I can hear the legends whispering behind me, but all I can do is pretend like I'm ok, and that it doesn't hurt. We continue walking for what the team says feels like miles. Though, I don't think it was, I spaced out most of the time Ava was talking to me. I was just trying to hide everything, all the pain.

     I snap out of my trance when I see it. The Fraiter.

I promice this'll go somewhere, I just don't know where yet🙃 Thanks for Reading
Your author,

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