Incident Free

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Ava Pov

I hear Sara stir next to me in our bed. I can tell she is awake now, she smiles then opens her eyes wide, and slightly frowns. She just remembered last night's events where she cried to me.

After requesting to just get dressed and get breakfast we head to the closet to change(nothing happens, so anyone can continue reading). Sara is facing away, I look at her back, I find myself wondering where she got all of her scars, and why she covers them.

I can tell she knows I'm looking at her back, she quickly pulls over her shirt and walks out of the room. "If your wondering where the scars are from, just don't ask." She says coldly, walking into the hallway.

Sara Pov

I can feel Ava staring at my scars, she hasn't even seen them all. The closet has impecable lighting that makes them fully show on my back, not just the big ones. "If your wondering where the scars are from, don't ask." I say, colder than I meant, but I can't open up anymore.

I walk into the hallway of the Waverider, trying to outwalk Ava, but hoping she will make an effort to catch up with me. I walk into the kitchen, all of the legends lift their gaze and become deadly silent.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I click a button on the food fabricator, a bowl of oatmeal appearing. I grab a spoon and head for the Captains courters.

Nate Pov

I have never seen Sara like this, something is wrong. We are all disgusting it as she walks in. "I'm fine, don't worry." She says, we all relize were staring, but don't want to move our gaze. She grabs a bowl of oatmeal and walks out without another word.

"Guys, I know what will cheer up Sara!" Charlie says with exitement. We all nod, showing her that she has our attention. "What if we go on a mission, a big one! And complete it without screwing it up!"

"I don't know, Sara doesn't like us going on missions alone. Partly 'cause we always mess it up." Ray says picking at his food.

"What if we do it, 'incident free'" Zari pitches in, emphasizing the last two words.

I think to myself, this could work. But what mission? How will we distract her? Who is going?

"We can tell Sara we are going to get some air in a set time period for a day. Then we can leave Ava here to distract her!" Ray says overenthusiasticly. (I think that's how you spell it?)

"We can do this! It's bound to put her in a good mood."

"Hey, Gideon, what is a good mission that will make Sara proud if we complete it, 'Incident Free'" Zari questions.

"I sudgest not going on a mission without Captain Lances concent." The A.I advises. "But is you are to go on a mission I sudgest, November 2nd, 1983. There was a house fire caused by a encore from hell named Azazel, that killed a mother of two children, Instead of becoming sucessful actors, they became hunters."

(15.18, sorry not sorry spn fans)

"Alright. Can't be too hard can it?"

Ava Pov

"You want me to what." I ask.

"I want you, to go, be happy. With someone that can make you happy." Sara says, as if it is a simple easy thing, that I would ever do.

"No, your stuck with me." I stomp my foot down and cross my arms.

"Why can't you get it. You deserve better than a broken, ex-assasin." She looks down, us both trying to hold in tears. I walk over to her, leaning into her and wrapping my arms around her shoulder. She leans in, then quickly pulls away.

I don't know what is wrong, I am doing everything I can but she won't let me in. "Sara!" I almost scream her name out of anger, she jumps a little at the sudden noise, I'll ask her about that later. "Sara." I sigh, "What do you want, I am doing all I can, but I can't help you if I you don't let me in, so please let me in." I say sympathetically.

"I...I don't know anymore. It all hurts, Ava, I don't deserve love. The people I kille... Murdered in cold blood, didn't get to live out their lives why should I." She mumbles.

"Because, if you don't deserve love No one does. Yeah, you've made some mistakes. But look at yourself, your a superhero, whatever they call people who saved the world multiple times, a captain or kinda mom to the people on this ship. You deserve it more than anyone." I say relising I started ranting, "and if you don't have love, I'll also end up alone, cause your the only one for me Miss. Lance." I say to brighten the mood.

She lets out a small giggle. "Thanks Aves, I.. I don't know what I would do without you." She replys, finally leaning into my hug. I continue to pull her closer. I think I may have my Sara back.

Charlie Pov

I go to tell Ava the plan, but hear her in the room with Ava. My curiosity gets the best of me and I hear most of their conversation. I smile at the fact that our Captain is better.

"Guys, so I think that Sara is better I overheard a Conversation between her and Ava." They all look at me with smiles on their face.

"Can we still go in the mission though, it doesn't sound too hard." Zari asks, we all really want to go to the 80's because the costumes to blend in are funny to look at and wear.

"Well now we can get Sara in on it. That way the chances of us screwing it up, are way less." Ray sudgests, we all agree and make our way to tell Sara about the mission.


Hi, 1.05k reads!!! That's insane!!! Thank you sooo much, for your support and feedback, it is really appreciated. Also legends comes back on in the Usa today. I'm going to watch it, and am soo exited, anyone else. I'll prob make another story board about theories and stuff I think about the next season, I think it would be fun and you guys can help me fill it.
Thank you so much,
Your author(who's really exited for the premier),

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