Now Is getting good

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Sara Pov

     I open my eyes to see all of the legends and myself in a small cage with iron bars. We are all tied by the feet hanging upside down. I pull myself up trying to reach to the rope, realizing my hands are conjoined. I sigh, then relax myself, using my hands to try to untie the knots that confine my hands.

     I start to get the knot untied when the rest of the legends start to wake up. I look over to them hoping they will be silent so that Slade and his crew of mermeakuru soldiers will not come back. They don't see this motion and start to talk and groan about where we are. I get my hands untied then start to work on my feet. I am too late though Slade walks in.

     Slade walks over to me, grabbing the rope of the floor. I start to swing myself in protest, trying to stop him from confining me again. He doesn't wrap my hands in the rope this time though. I decide it will be better for me to make them torture me than my team. I start to give strange looks and move around a lot.

     Slade grabs the rope from his hands and starts to Choak mez I can feel the rope cutting against my throat, it feels like forever by time he lets me go. I can't hear or process anything that happens after that points except for the fact that it was hard to breathe.

Charlie Pov

     I wake up in a weird place with concrete floors and iron bars surrounding me. I glance around and relise that the entire team is here. I see Sara trying to escape, I relise she is trying to get us all to be silent. Apparently the rest of the team didn't get the memo, because they immediatly start talking and questioning where they are.

     Soon enough none other than Slade Wilson walks in, Slade walks to Sara grabbing the rope that came from Sara's hands, instead of tying her up again he takes the rope and pulls it against her throat, trying to choak her. The rest of the team is watching Sara struggle against his pull, unable to move. We all scream as loud as out throbbing heads can take, eventually our voices getting to tired to scream anymore.

     He continues to Choak her until one of the Merikuru soildiers interviews, "we need her alive, don't wanna ruin the rest of the fun." The soldier Menacingly remarks.

"You've got a point." Slade says with a small grin.

     All of the Legends, including myself, start to scream for him to let go, he eventually does, it's been 3 minutes. Sara hangs upside down, somehow consious, her eyes look groggy, she can no longer hold herself up, and is involuntarily swinging with he rope.

     I see Slade and his crew leave the room, all of us turn our attention to Sara. She has a purple bruise forming where the rope was wrapped on her neck. Next thing I know Nate is trying to Steal up, he is succesful, but can only hold it long enough for him to get down. Apparently the two villians did not know of his abilities.

     He flips to the ground, heading to Sara first. He rips the rope and catches her before she hits the ground, he then heads over to the rest of us, all pitching in to help us all down. Once we are all free from the ropes thag confined us we relize we are still in the iron cage, Nate is unable to steal up, being dehydrated and all.

Sara Pov

     It was all a blur after Slade tried to choke me. I feel like I am being carried to the ground when I relize I have been untied by Nate. I can still feel the rope around my neck, I touch my neck, it is tender and I know it will leave a bruise. I ignore this though and decide I should help us escape.

     I look around, the rest of the legends giving me concerned looks, as if to say 'take a break, lay down' I will not do this though, we have to escape before they comeback, by then it will be too late. I don't care if they torture me, I can handle it, the rest of the team can't, I have to protect them.

"We have to get out of here, I am not going to take a break, you don't have to tell me, it is painted on all of your faces." I say while facing the bar looking for a possible way out.

     I feel a tap on my shoulder and look around. Trying to hide my fear, and stress. Ava sees through the Facade, she looks concerned, I ignore this and her, and continue to look for an escape.

     I look for the keypad that opens the cage door, it happens to be next to it, but to reach it you would have to put a small arm through, but it is far away. The only way to reach it is to dislocate one of the women's shoulders. (Thea and Oliver style, from when they were locked in the Slade jail on Lian Yu)

    I decide I should be the one to do this, what's one more injury, and I take pain the best. I hit my shoulder against a wall hoping for it to easily pop out. It makes a loud snap. The entire team looks over as I bite my lip in pain, I can taste the blood starting to build up in my mouth from when I bit my lip.

     I reach through the bars and press the button I hope means open. I hear the click of the door, pull my arm back through the bars, and try to snap it back in. Unsuccessfully I walk over to Ava who easily snaps it back in. I wince in pain, as we walk out of the cage. The team following me closely from behind. I hear a snap from the room on the other side of the door, suspecting that Slade or one of his crew members were back. When the door opens infront of me stands....

     Thanks for reading, Im sorry it took me so long to update! I will update soon, sorry for the cliff hangers I'm just deciding where I wanna go with this story. Thanks for 488 views, I never thought I would get that many!!!
Your Author(for a while hopefully),

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