The truth

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     Their walking towards the water where the Fraiter is, they can see it though. Sorry some of this chapter would be really confusing without knowing this


Constantine Pov

     All of us are exhausted, how Sara ever went through this, or walked with a bullet in her shoulder, I will never understand. Yeah me and Sara have had our fun. But I never knew even a hundredth of what she had been through.

     The team thought it would be better not to push at Sara's past, afraid that she might snap, or close herself off from us. I see Ray walk up to her, she is leading the group, alone in the front.

     A few moments later I see Ray reach her arm around Sara, Sara flinches, I can't tell if its from the sudden touch or the bullet wound. I'm sure it still hurts but Sara refuses to slow down to let it heal or take out the bullet, none of us protest, knowing we will lose a debait with the Captain.

     She has been on edge the entire time we have been here. I have only been here once, I ran into Oliver and we helped eachother out. This place can be dangerous, and that's comming from me who was only here for a few days, let alone Sara being here for years.


Ray Palmer Pov

     I can see Sara is in pain. Out of the legends not including Ava, I know the most about Sara's past because I am an ex member of Team Arrow. I know what happened to Oliver on this Island, he wasn't here for as long as Sara though. I'm sure she had it worse.

     Sara is one the the strongest, most stubborn people I know. She may be the most stubborn, and I'm comparing her to the famously stubborn Oliver Queen. I decide I will go check up on her. It can't be easy coming back to this place.

     "Ray, if you have come here to tell me to take a break, I will make sure you get a perminate one." Sara threatens. She continues walking, I can tell she has a headache, probably from the blood loss, or the pain in her shoulder.

"No, though you should. I came to check up on you it can't be easy comming back to such a tramatic place from your past." I say sympathetically. (A/N putting it softly as always.)

     She looks over at me unamused. "Wow, didn't realize that Ray, thank you." She says with a sarcastic tone. We all are tired, Sara expecially. Lately she had been through quite a bit of trauma. "So, do you know what happened on this island, what did Oli tell you?" She says atleast trying to make a conversation now.

"Not much, you both don't talk about your pasts much. All I know is there was a man named Slade, he got drugged, and became a supervillain." I say trying to sum up all I know. I still have no idea what happened to Sara, only part of Olivers past.

     She glances over at me, I can tell she doesn't want to tell us anything, but we were either going to figure it out by her, or by seeing it ourselves. She stops us and tells us to sit down at an abandoned cave, it looked like a home for someone on the island.(season 1 flashback arrow, the cave that Oliver hides the girl in)

     "Alright, so since it's getting dark, and theres no negotiating this, we need to take a rest. And since we're taking a rest I decided I'd tell you the truth, before you find it out some other way." Sara says with a blank expression. Simotaionsly making eye contact with us all somehow. (A/N like how a teacher or parent can look and scold all the children at once.)

Sara Pov

     I know I have to tell the team the truth. I don't want to tell them about my past. It's pretty dark and involves about every kind of pain imaginable.  If I do tell them, they will pitty me for what Ive been through.

"Alright, to be honest,I was tortured on the island, and on the Freiter. But the ship was worse because I was forced to torture others. The league is not who taught me those skills it was Ivo." I  dreadfully say, avoiding all eye contact with the team, I had just admitted to torturing many people. I could not be forgiven, I would not.

     I decide it's better if I walk away to calm down. I could hear the Teams whispers, I knew they were judging me, but I didn't care. I just stood there looking at that wreached place, the Freiter.


Ava Pov

     I thought I knew more about Sara's past, but apparently there are more secrets. I understand why she didn't tell me but still, does anyone know about this before today?

     I know Sara is in physical pain, but that's not what I'm worried about, it's what's going on in her head. Sara doesn't let her guard down, hardley ever, she may act like she's not in edge, but I know she is. That's nothing compared to her emotional walls, those are 5inch thick vibranium, the inside is untouchable, unless she opens the door from the inside.

     "Hey Sara, I'm sorry. For everything." I say referring to no particular event in her past.

"It's alright, I'll deal with it with the rest of the memories." She says with a sarcastic tone.

"Be serious with me, just for now. I don't need to know your past, but eventually I will." I say seriously and with a sigh afterwards. She looks down at her feet.

"I'll tell you part of it..." BOOM, "WHAT THE HELL!!!!" The entire team goes flying into separate trees, knocking all of us out.

Sara Pov

     I look around and I am the only one awake, then I look down at my leg, it has a branch coming out of the top. I can't move with it in there so I decide it would be better to rip it out and wrap it. I rip it out painfully, accepting the fact theirs no way to avoid the pain. I limp over to Ava and she is starting to wake up.

     I start to shake her when I'm ibtetupted by a voice. "Can't have you saving them can I." Damien.

"Why not, you want me, you have made that clear. Let the rest of them go. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He looks at me offended,

"Oh, what should I chose, how about the hard way." He says with a smile, then follows up with throwing a knife at me, it misses and hits a tree. I rip it out of the tree, and get into a stable stance, mainly using my other hand, and not putting a ton of pressure on the other leg. I limp towards him, swiping the knife across his throat but missing. I follow up with a kick, he catches it with his voo do and throws me.

     At this point the Team is awake, and I am on the ground once again. They all attack, I'm still to dizzy, from all the factors playing in, blood loss, pain, and we'll getting thrown like a rag doll. I decide to ignore this and grab the steak that pierced my leg, I grabbed it in hand, and ran towards Damien, he is busy with the other legends and I sneak in and stab him in the back, Impaling him. He gasps for breathes.

"You stabed me in the back, literally. So I thought I would return the favor." I say, twisting the steak causing him to fall to his knees and cry out in pain. "Yeah, I'd call this fair. But I won't torture you." I grab my blade out of my pocket and swipe at his head, it comes clean off. Squirting blood all over me. I hadn't killed since my blood lust, maybe it was back. Only the og team members knew about it and I knew I would have to explain it to the newer legends.

Sorry for the long chapter, I edited quite a bit of this story, making it more Pg. Thanks for reading, and please notify me if you like this story
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