On we go

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Ava Pov

     Luckily Sara woke up after a few minutes, her shoulder has blood dripping from the wrapping. We decide we need to pick up the pace. We head on, following closely behind Sara.

     She comes to a hault, causing Nate to almost trip over Ray. Zari and Charlie are walking together, and Nate, Ray, and Amaya are close behind having a conversation of their own. Me and Sara being at the front of the group, walking next to eachother is silence.

"Sara, where are we, and why have we stopped?" Ray subtlly asked.(a/n how do you spell that?)

"Where here." She says this stairing over a cliff. We all walk in a line and glance over the cliff. The waves hitting the rocks causing an uproar of water. We all look a little further and see a big Fraiter. The Fraiter.

"Let's go." Sara says acting unamused at the beautiful sight. The legend follow her, me closely behind, taking in as much of the sight as I can.

Sara pov

     We look over the ledge, it's more beautiful than I remember, but anything beautiful on this island was deadly. I decide I don't want to look over the cliff anymore, if I do something bad is bound to happen.

     I tell the rest of the legends to follow me, the next part of the hike is not easy, and with our combined injuries it will be almost impossible. But we are the Legends, that means we can mess up everything and somehow it turns out for the better. Or as our modo says, "we skrew things up for the better."

     "We need to pick up the pace, I don't want to be here longer than I have too." I say, begging the legends to hurry up. Suddenly I hear a snap in the woods, I put my arms up to show the legends to be quiet.

     They don't get the clue and all loudly ask what I'm doing. I put my finger to my mouth signalling again, they all let out an 'oh' then become almost scilent. I signal them to stay, with a stirn face. They all nod, allowing me to climb into a tree to scope out what the sound was.

     I see people, Ivos men. Their probably worried about their comrad's, and captain. I decide I will take them out and steal some weapons from them.

     I swing down a branch, landing my foot on one of their jaws, causing a snap and for him to fall unconscious. The rest of them look around, I have my bowstaff on my good arm, and the other laying across my chest in an attempt to make a sling.

"Looking for me, might wanna rethink that." I quip, causing 9ne of them to come swinging a fist at me. I dodge, grab it and flip him onto his back, he is also unconscious on the dirt.

     The 4 other men pull out their guns facing them towards me. I put up a hand, making that motion ninjas do in movies telling them to come at me. They don't shoot for some reason, they probably think that they can take me and look cool doing it. That was a huge mistake, I jump onto ones shoulders, swingingyself into a back handspring causing him to get thrown towards two other guys knocking them all out. The last one decides he can't beat me and lays down on the ground surrendering.

     I reach towards my knees trying to get back my breathe, then head back to where I told the Legends to stay. I hear whispering while walking back and relise their might be more soldiers. I climb back into the tree. Parched above the legends. They are being held hostage by 5 soldiers, all pointing guns at them. I decide to go back to where the other soldiers were and grab a gun.

     I sit in my tree waiting for the right time to shoot them all. It's now or never. None of the Legends have seen me yet so they will have no warning. I grab the gun, putting it in the non injured shoulder, looking through the scope. I pull the trigger and the automatic starts to shoot countless bullets towards the soldiers. They all fall to the ground, the Legends falling to their knees after ducking.

     They look around not able to find me yet. I jump down from the tree, dropping the gun to the ground. "Not even a thank you." I say with a smirk.

     Ava runs over and hugs me, I can tell the legends are scared. "Sara, thank you!!! Are you ok?!" Ava asks, almost too quick for me to understand her.

"I'm good, are you guys?" I ask with concern in my voice. They all nod. We continue our walk, I decide we should steak the guns from the soldiers, we walk up to where I took down the other men. They are still passed out, the one who played down and surrendered being gone. He probably is going to relay the message to whoever is in charge, hopefully not Slade or Darhk.

"You took all of them down, without a gun!?!" Zari asks surprised.

"I was an assassin, this is just another Tuesday." I say sarcastically

(Supernatural reference kinda, Tuesdays, another, sorry continue on.)

     They all look at me surprised. I decide to look like it was no big deal. We continue walking to our destination, we are all getting tired of hiking. It wasn't exactly a short distance, or an easy place to navigate. The legends were starting to realize where the traps were placed.

     I personally knew where they all were, cause Oliver, Slade, Shadow and me had been injured by most of them. Some set of by Anatoly. Most of the team had been hit by multiple traps, none of the deadly ones tho. I had been the only one not injured by the traps, though I was in the worst condition of the team. We decide it's a good time to go to sleep, before it gets dark. We set up camp, then all fall asleep. Me being the last to fall asleep. Eventually I did.

      After falling asleep for a few hours. I wake up to a snap in the woods, I can't see anything so I follow the noice, then I relize it is comming closer to me. I feel it grab me, choking me with a cloth around my throat, I look back and see an orange tint through the darkness, this only means one thing, Slade...

I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't updated, I've been lazy, and didn't feel an inspiration to wright more. But here I am, with another chapter over 1k words as always. Thank you so much for like 350(ish) views.
Your author(still I hope)

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