Chapter 5

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**TW: Anxiety/ Abuse**

Sage POV

I walked out of my 2nd lecture at a quarter past noon and sent a text to the group chat.

After the club Friday, Izzy warmed up to me way more and, Grace couldn't be happier. The three of us hung out at Izzy's apartment all day Saturday and I got to know both of them way better.

Izzy didn't come from a family with a lot of money. She went to a private high school on a scholarship, which is how her and Grace met.

I have no clue how she can afford that apartment though. It's nearly a penthouse.

Anyways, the three of us have no classes for the next three hours so we planned to meet at a café by the camps for lunch.

Since it was the first day of school I made sure my outfit was one of my better ones. I wore an olive green dress with little flowers on all over it. I paired that with low white air force sneakers and a white baguette purse.

I have no idea why I wear so many dresses. They're just more comfy I guess. At my high school, people would say I was a "pick me" because of the way I dress when really, I don't do it for anyone but myself.

I walked into the café and scanned the restaurant for Grace and Iz. I saw them waving to me and I walked over to the booth.

"Hey roomie!! How's your first day going?" Grace asked me excitedly.

"Well it started off very... interesting." I said referring to the Roman situation.

"Interesting how?" Izzy questioned.

I'm debating telling them that me and Roman are gonna have to work together. Friday night, Izzy claimed to have seen Roman walk out of that back room of the club shortly after me looking, "flustered". All weekend they've been begging me to tell them what happened and when I finally gave in yesterday, they would not stop saying how much he likes me.

They even tried to get me to text him which I refuse to do because I would never even like him and he most definitely doesn't like me.

I mean it was kind of hot though.

Wait. What am I saying? Just because I was slightly turned on by that little incident definitely does not take away from the fact that he's a complete asshole.

One really really sexy asshole.

"Uhh hello Sage, we asked you a question!" Grace said, waving her hand in my face. I must've zoned out for a while.

"Well um...our business professor partnered us for a semester long project." I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Oh shit. Is this gonna be like one of those cliché high school romcoms where your hatred for each other turns into a never-ending love?" Izzy questioned while wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"You watch romcoms?" I asked, with a slightly surprised expression playing on my face.

Grace lightly chuckled. "The tough girl attitude is just an act. Izzy is the biggest hopeless romantic there is." She said. "She's also the biggest simp for our boy Elliot." Grace said with a smirk.

"Grace!!" Izzy yelled causing many people in the café to turn and look at us.

Now that is something I was not expecting. Elliot is so outgoing and bubbly. He's just super nice while Izzy on the other hand will probably knock you out if you look at her the wrong way.

Opposites attract I guess.

"So are you two a thing?" I asked questioningly

"No, Iz has too much pride to make the first move." Grace replied in a irritated tone.

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