Chapter 7

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Roman POV
    I walked onto campus with my stony expression as usual. Its been three days since I've spoken to Sage but, that was on purpose. She's taken over my mind, and I want nothing more than to talk to her right now.

After that night she was at my house, I realized how sweet and beautiful she actually was. I wanted to take her right there but I just couldn't.

I usually never cease to fulfill my sexual desires with whoever I want but, she's different. She has this aura around her that's just so pure. For some odd reason, I hold her on a higher pedestal than the girls I use solely for their bodies.

Doesn't mean I don't wanna fuck her though.

I just don't need her developing feelings for me. Any girl I do things with knows that it's strictly physical with me. If I do have sex with her, I can't let her think that it will ever be anything more than that.

I don't catch feelings or do relationships. I've always felt like it was a waste of time.

There's just something about Sage that makes her more tolerable to be around than most other people. Not that I enjoy her company but I don't necessarily hate it.

She can't know that though. I saw the way she looked at me when we were dancing that night. As if she could see right through my emotionless expression. There was something in her eyes. Hope.

I don't understand why she has any. I'm basically a lost cause.

I felt like an asshole for blowing up on her that night but If I didn't, I probably would have told her something I'd regret.

She just kept asking personal questions that made me think of my mom. I try not to think about her but it's hard around Sage because she has so many traits that remind me of her.

I miss her so much.

No one knows what happened to my mother besides me. Not even my father was there when they took her life a way. I'm the only one who truly knows what happened.

I don't talk to anyone about her and I'm afraid that Sage will be the one to get it out of me. Maybe not on purpose but, I just feel like I can tell her anything and that fucking terrifies me. It took a lot to give her short and blunt responses when she asked about my family. I just wanted to open up to her and I have no fucking idea why.

I can hardly stand the girl.


I need to stay away from her. Give her no reason to even want to be in my presence. I'm positive she hates me so that shouldn't be too hard.

But I'm just not too sure I hate her.

I've had sex with a different girl every night since me and Sage last spoke and each time, I couldn't enjoy any of it because my mind kept wandering back to the fact that they're not her.

It's probably nothing. Only lust.

I walked into my first lecture, the one with Sage. She was already seated on the other side of the room. She looked so damn beautiful.

She looked in my direction and rolled her eyes. She did this everytime she saw me in the past few days. I'm getting pretty used to it. I just need to not think of her.


The day went by pretty quickly and now me and Elliot were on our way to meet Sergio to discuss some business dealings.

"You plan on going to the gala this year? It's tomorrow night." Elliot asked.

The American mafia hosts these stupid gala's for all of the mafias for "charity". No weapons allowed so that we can all act as if we don't wanna kill each other for the night. I think it's the dumbest shit ever so I never go.

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