Chapter 22

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Sage's POV
I slowly blinked my eyes open as the sun shone through my sheer white curtains. There was a weight draped over my naked body. My back was flush against a rock hard chest and the memories of the events that took place instantly rushed back to my mind.

The way Roman brought me to an insane high, several times last night, gives me butterflies, just thinking about.

I felt his arm tighten around my torso, pulling me closer to him and I softly gasped at the unexpected movement. He kissed the side of my neck.

"Good morning love." He said lowly in a deep gruff voice. Chills ran through my body, just hearing him speak.

"Morning." I responded, smiling to myself. If someone would have told me in August that I'd be waking up in the arms of the man love in just, four and a half months, I would've though they were crazy.

It's crazy to think about how much has changed.

"Am I like... your girlfriend now?" I asked him and he kissed the back of my head.

"You've been mine for a while now but, since I've never officially asked, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Roman asks and I quickly nod in agreement.

Then, there was a knock on the door. My eyes went wide. "Who is it?" I yelled nervously.

"Your favorite cousin!" I heard the voice that belonged to Mikey shout back. "Are you dressed in there?" he asks.

"No, uh... give me a minute." I replied and Roman darted off the bed and tripped when he got up. I had to hold in my laughter as I quickly ran to my closet and threw on a robe.

Roman managed to find most of his articles of clothing and put them back on. He sat on the stool in front of my vanity as I walked over to open the door.

I opened it and he barged in. "Ha! I knew it!" he exclaimed pointing over to where Roman was sitting. "Pay up." He said, holding out his hand and an annoyed looking Grace trudged in the room and placed a hundred-dollar bill in his hand.

I was completely confused and, Izzy came in and laughed. "They made a bet that you and Rome slept together." She said nonchalantly and I raised my eyebrows.

"Izzy!" Grace and Mikey yelled in unison.

"You guys did what?" I questioned angrily and Mikey looked nervous as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well, we didn't bet that you guys did anything in specific, just that he slept in here." Grace assured and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, come on guys, they definitely did it." Izzy said and Elliot chuckled from the doorway.

I looked over to Roman and he had this stupid smirk playing on his face. I gave him a look and he immediately dropped the smirk and cleared his throat.

"It's no one's business what my girlfriend and I do." he said and, the entire room fell silent.

"Girlfriend?" Mikey repeated and I nodded and, Grace let out squeal that was higher pitched than anything I've ever heard.

"When did you two make it official?" Izzy asked happily.

"This morning." I responded, smiling and they both hugged me.

Mikey turned to Roman and glared. "Don't you dare hurt my baby cousin." He said sternly.

"But I'm older..." I said and he shushed me.

"I don't plan on it." Roman replied, smiling at me which made my heart flutter.

"Well, Aunt Lisa initially sent me up here to tell you to get ready." Mikey said, directing his attention back to me. "We know how she gets when things are late so, we have to get started." He adds and I nod.

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