He's A Marine/Soldier //Niall//

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With the war between Russia and Ukraine the President had decided to start deploying some Marines oversea to make sure that America would not be effected. You hated this because it meant that your husband would be deployed for 8 months. You sat on the bed in tears watching Niall pack.
"I hate this." You sniffled wiping at your eyes. Niall sighed and walked over to you. He kissed your tears then cupped your face.
"I know I'll be gone for 8 months, but before you know it I'll be back home." He assured you, his Irish accent hoarse.
You stared up at him pouting. You didn't care how fast the time would go by. You just wanted him to be here with you....and the baby. Niall knew his too. He wasn't happy about leaving either. You both had just found out you were expecting your first child, a baby boy. You were only 4 months along, but by the time Niall came back the baby would be born and about 3 months old. He would miss most of your pregnancy and most importantly he would miss the birth.  "Help me finish?" Niall asked you pecking your lips. You nod getting up to help him finish packing. "I'll Skype you when I'm settled on the ship." He told you. Outside your house was the bus ready to take him to his destination. Niall kneeled down and placed his huge hands over your small bump. "Daddy loves you." He placed a kiss on your stomach. You frowned feeling the tears flow from your eyes yet again. He stood up and pulled you into a kiss.
"I love you so much baby and I promise to come home safely." He pecked your lips again before picking up his stuff. You watch him walk out the door towards the bus. Before he got on it he tipped his hat at you and blew you a quick kiss. Your heart broke as you watched him board the bus.
"God, please don't take that man from me." You prayed kissing his dog tag that hung around your neck.
Six months had passed since Niall had been shipped off to join the war. Every Friday night you guys would Skype. Within that time frame you had given birth to your son. He was born 3 weeks early, which made him a little over a month old now. Niall had chosen the name Edison and you picked out his middle name, Micah. You sat in your living room breast feeding him. You were just admiring him the entire time. Edison Micah Horan. You smiled stroking his peach cheeks. Edison kept his eyes closed as he happily fed. You giggled softly as you thought of how much Niall ate as well.
"Just like your father." You kissed his head, which was covered in light brown curly hair. After Edison had finished feeding, you patted his back softly. Once he burped you started to rock him in your arms. You were bored so you turned on the TV, it happened to be on the news.
"Breaking news, American Marine ship Expo (made that up, haha) was under attack early in the morning hours. At the moment there is a body count of 200 Marines. The president has ordered a return of the ship Expo, America has declared neutrality and will no longer partake in this war..." You muted the TV in disbelief. What the hell? The president couldn't declare neutrality earlier? You picked up your phone ready to call your mother when you heard a heart wrenching screech. Concerned you walked to your window to see a black car parked in front of the house next door.
"Oh no..." You said watching two marine officials walking out the house with their heads down. You held your breath thinking they were going to come to your door next and deliver some terrible news. When they got back in their car you let out a shaky breathThank you Jesus.

*one week later*

"Niall!" You called out his name when he stepped off the plane. You stood with a smile rocking Edison. Niall turned to you and grinned. He smiled wide and rushed over.
"Gosh, I missed ye' so much." He breathes embracing you. He pulled away to look at the little bundle in your arms. "Little Edison." He stared down at his son in awe. You handed him over, watching their interaction. "He's perfect." Niall smiles, his blue eyes turning into a pastel blue color as tears threatened to pour out. "Hey little man, I'm your daddy." He spoke to Edison. Edison squirmed in his arms, opening up his big blue eyes. Niall gasped, "He has my eyes!" He smiled proudly. You nod, keeping a hand over your heart.
"Thank you for not taking him." You whispered, glancing up to he sky.

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