He cheats //Liam//

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You angrily threw your negative pregnancy test into the garbage. You and Liam had been trying to have a baby for a little over two years now. Your doctor had told you it would be very difficult for you to concieve a child, but you never gave up. You could tell Liam was getting frustrated about not having a family yet. It was his wish to have a huge family and you couldn't even give him one child. You walked out the bathroom into your room. You sat on the edge of your bed, buring your face in your hands. You said a small prayer before getting back up to go downstairs. Liam was suppose to be home any second now. You sat in the living room waiting for him.
Ding dong
You looked to the door. You wondered who that could be, Liam had a key. You got up and went to the door.
"Hi?..." You trailed off looking at the women in front of you. She smiled and rubbed her very noticeable bump.
"Oh you must be y/n, Liam's maid." She walks into the house without being welcomed. Um...maid?
"Who are you?" You questions, not liking how this psycho was disrespecting you in your own house. You watch her waddle into YOUR living room and plop down onto the couch.
"Oh, I'm Liam's girlfriend." She smiles up at you. B*tch what?
"Come again?" You shook your head not believing what you were hearing.
"I'm...Liam's...girlfriend." She said a bit more clearly. "Honestly I don't know why you are even questioning me. You're the help, be of service and go get me a glass of water. My feet are killing me." She complains, kicking off her sandals. Oh hell no. You were seething as you marched to stand in front of her.
"I don't know what kind of medication you are on, but you're not Liam's girlfriend. I'm his WIFE. If you think you're going to come in here, in my HOME acting like you have no home training. I'm going to have to teach you a lesson. Got that?" Mystery girl stared at you in disgust, rolling her eyes.
"Wait until Liam hears about this." She mumbles ignoring you. You wanted to lunge and attack her, but you couldn't since she was pregnant.
"Hey babe, I'm home-" Liam stopped talking as he looked between you and the girl sitting on the couch.
"Honeyyy!" The girl squeals trying to get up from the couch. Liam gulped staring at you. No. He wouldn't.... Would he? You used a finger to push the girl back to the couch.
"How could you Liam?" You walked over to him. Everything was starting to sink in. He did in fact cheat on you. He even got the girl pregnant, which was very emotional for you.
"I can explain..."
You held up a hand shaking your head. "I don't want to hear it. I can't believe you would do this to me. After everything we've been through. We've been trying to have a family together and you're going to go around and do that!" You shout pointing at the creature on the couch. Liam tried to grab you.
"No." You pulled away from him. "Don't touch me." You wiped away a tear that fell from your eyes. "I want you out. Please go." This was too much for you.
"Liam you don't need her anyway, you have me and your son." The creature spoke up.
"Shut up!" Liam growled at her, he then turned his attention back to you. "I'm sorry. I was drunk and I made a mistake." He tried to explain himself.
"Liam just go..." You pointed to the door. "And take little miss muppet with you."

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