[15] - Good Cop, Bad Cop

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         Liam's in the hospital with nurses who run in and out of his room, and Zayn just sits outside of the hospital room, not allowed in to see Liam. Zayn watches the nurses and doctors walk by, avoiding their assuming glares. They all thought Zayn did this to Liam, and he knew it too, but there was nothing he could say, nor do. As if they would believe a 17-year-old kid. But in reality, it wasn't Zayn who did this to Liam; it was that prick of a man who Zayn was stupid enough to run off with. It was that man who hit Liam. It was that man who kept hitting Liam, but ran off as soon as sirens started blaring off in the distance.

         Zayn was so stupid. Zayn is so stupid. If it wasn't for Zayn and his inability to accept love, then Liam wouldn't be hurt right now. But it wasn't my fault! Zayn keeps mentally yelling at himself. I was trying to keep him awake!

         After the man ran off, Liam was slowly closing his eyes. Zayn didn't know much about things like this, but he knew Liam had to keep his eyes open, so Zayn had straddled Liam, in an attempt to keep him awake. While doing this Zayn had been whispering little nothings into Liam's ear, all while shaking him slightly, trying his best to keep him from drifting to sleep. But when the officers pulled up, and Zayn tried explaining, it was Zayn who was being pushed into the back of the police car, not being able to sit in the ambulance with Liam, or even justify himself.

         And that's how he got here. Receiving dangerous glares, and having police monitor him regularly. All Zayn wants to do it curl up in a ball and forget this night ever happened. Everything was so perfect until he ruined it. Maybe it is my fault. Is it? It has to be. Zayn keeps thinking to himself, now biting the little bit of nail he has left on his fingers.

         Zayn pulls his knees up to his chest, hiding his face from the people around him, "We're going to have to call his parents and bring them in." Zayn over hears the nurses in Liam's room talking, "What about the other boy. What about his parents?" Zayn frowns. His parents are my parents. He feels so sick right now. Are Liam's parents going to send him away? Are they going to believe that Zayn did this? Or will they believe Zayn? He doubts it.

         "He has no medical records showing." The second nurse finally spoke, "Do we ask him?" There is a silence, and then the two nurses leave Liam's room, avoiding looking at Zayn, who now has his head resting in between is knees.

         Zayn has no idea what to expect or what to do. If he goes into Liam's room, will it make things worse? Probably. He thought to himself, letting out a loud sigh. He stays sitting in his uncomfortable chair, and remains waiting.

         Zayn is nearly asleep now, but he quickly awakens by a rough voice, "Kid, get up." Zayn snaps his head upward, starring at the officer who threw him into the back of the cop car, "I'm moving you to a different room. The doctor's are going to do a quick check up on you." The officer points to the blood on Zayn's arms that is still slowly coming from his cuts. Zayn bites his lip, scared of moving, but the officer is quick to grab his arm, pulling him down the hall. Zayn looks back as he is pulled away from Liam. His head aches. His body aches. But more than anything else, his heart aches.

         Zayn's room was just down the hall, but still, it's too far from Liam. Zayn hates it. The officer leaves without saying anything more than he needs to, and soon Zayn is sitting in a bed, awkwardly waiting to be checked up on. He isn't in the mood to answer all their questions, and no doubt they're going to ask about what happened earlier that night. And Zayn will not be able to convince them that it wasn't him, so why waste his breath?

         "Hello there." A male doctor soon greets Zayn at the door, "I'm just going to give you a quick check up, if you don't mind." Zayn stares at him, not saying a word. His stomach still hurts and his head is still pounding, but he is sure it's from all the stress he's under right now, not because of his scraped arm. The doctor nods, letting himself in, and ignoring the fact Zayn remains silent, "So, I heard you and that other lad had some night, yeah?" The doctors tries to make conversation, but Zayn simply ignores him, giving him a tired and bored look.

         Surely, the doctor knows all, and is just playing dumb. Zayn's smart, so he stays silent and continues to ignore the doctor, who is now looking at Zayn's arm, "I'm going to clean this is up, so it may sting a bit." The doctor sighs, looking at the cut, "I'm not sure if you'll need stitches or not."

         It doesn't take the doctor long to clean Zayn's cut. Yes it stings, but Zayn doesn't show any emotion. His mind is still whirling around with thoughts of Liam. Is he awake yet? Are his parents here? Do they hate me? Zayn's thoughts were getting the best of him, but he hides it well since the doctor is still in the room, his eyes watching Zayn.

         "You won't need stitches. So that's good. But you did have some glass in the cut" He says, "I am going to wrap your arm up to try and stop the bleeding." And so, that is what the doctor does. He wraps Zayn's arm up, still not getting a word out of Zayn, and when the doctor leaves Zayn frowns, looking down to his arm. He can barely remember what happened to make his arm bleed, but he vaguely remembers lanterns hanging from above and glass all over the ground when he straddled Liam. He must have cut it on the glass of the broken lanterns.

         Zayn's hoping for a few minutes alone to himself so he can think back to what actually happened so he could get his story straight. When Liam wakes up, the police are surely going to ask him what happened, and if his story doesn't almost exactly matches Zayn's then there will be trouble. But before he could think even the slightest, a new police officer, which Zayn hasn't met yet, came in.

         He eyes Zayn, taking note of Zayn's sad and confused expression, "Don't be scared, son." The cop says, giving Zayn a small smile. Zayn swallows, he can't help but to be scared. He's more than scared. Zayn's terrified. "I'm just going to ask you a few questions, alright?" Zayn looks away. He doesn't want this. Not yet. He wants to wait so he can at least think, but clearly he can't ask for that.

         "How do you know Liam Payne?" The officer asks his first question and Zayn closes his eyes. He isn't going to answer anything, not until he gets to talk to Liam or his parents first. "How do you know him, Zayn?" He repeats, this time calling Zayn by name. Zayn isn't sure how they know his name, but he doesn't care. He rolls over on his side, trying his best to mute out the officer. There was a sudden sigh and the officer walks over to face Zayn's front.

         "Where did you meet Liam Payne?" Again, Zayn remains silent. He watches the officer, who watches right back. It's almost like they're having a starring contest, and if so, Zayn is going to win. "Son, you have to answer my questions." The officer says, but Zayn doesn't react.

         Zayn yawns, still looking at the officer, and clearly, he isn't a fan, "What's your relationship with Liam Payne? Are you friends? Best friends? Or is it romantic?" Zayn's heart skips a beat, but quickly it regains itself. Romantic? How am I supposed to know when I'm here and Liam's in another room? Zayn wants to speak out so badly, but he doesn't. He doesn't want to stumble on his words and screw things up more than they already are.

         The officer suddenly stands and walks to the door, opens it, and peaks his head out, "Your turn." The officer leaves the room and soon Zayn sees the first officer come in, the one who brought him to the room he is now in.

         "You think you're smart? Do you really think staying quiet is your best option? It'll do you more harm than good, lemme tell you that right now, boy." This officer clearly is the bad cop in this whole good cop, bad cop situation. Zayn stares, refusing to speak even one word, but bad cop isn't as nice as good cop was.

         "If you don't answer me right now, so help me God, I will bring you to the station and put you behind bars myself." The threat didn't really scare Zayn. If what Zayn knew about the law is true, then they really can't do that until him or Liam speak, and since Liam is still asleep, and Zayn will not speak, bad cop can't bring Zayn anywhere.

         "I can't believe you." Bad cop swore a bit before slamming the door shut as he left the hospital room, leaving Zayn alone yet once again, and this time, Zayn prays he can really be alone.



Written by fxckthat

Yet another update :). What were your feelings throughout this chapter? What do you think will happen? How will Liam's parents react? What will Liam say when he wakes up? Who knows! Let's see your predicitons in the comments :).


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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