[5] - Lunchtime Sandwiches

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       Liam’s already bent down with his face in the fridge when Zayn walks into the kitchen. He stands in the walkway, “I knew you’d come.” Liam says with his upper half still in the fridge. Zayn smiles. He likes how it has really only been one day and Liam seems to kind of understand Zayn. Zayn has never had anyone fully understand him. The closest is Ms. Layanette, but she’s out of the picture now. Zayn moves to the fridge and pulls the other door open. It’s one of those double door fridges, “Do you like turkey?” Liam asks, pulling open one of the three freezer draws. Zayn makes a face. Not really.

            Liam reaches farther and takes out some ham, showing it to Zayn, who grins and nods. Liam pats Zayn’s shoulder and they close the doors, “Okay, just wait until you try this.” Liam gloats, grabbing the bread out of the pantry. Zayn eagerly watches, now fully aware of how hungry he actually was. He holds his stomach and Liam laughs, “Told you. You’re skin and bones. You need some meat on your bones.” Liam’s chuckles fill the room and soon Zayn is smiling again.

            Liam moves quickly in the kitchen, “You like mustard? You like mustard.” Liam answers for Zayn, surprising Zayn when he’s right. Zayn does like mustard; “I don’t think you like tomatoes.” Liam continues, again, correct, “Mayo? No. Lettuce? Sure thing. Salt and Pepper? Yes please.” Liam turns to Zayn, winking at him, “Lemonade to drink?” This time he waits for Zayn to nod before going back to the fridge to fetch the lemonade.

            Zayn stands in the kitchen, watching Liam continue to move back and forth between the fridge and the counter, putting things back, but bringing out new condiments, “I forgot pickles, but those are good on the side.” Liam confirms as he opens a draw and slides out a cutting board. He places a few pickles on the board and cuts them delicately with such precision. Zayn watches, feeling helpless. He wants to help but Liam seems to have his handle on things, “Almost done. Just have to…” Liam cuts himself off, his mind concentrating on his masterpiece.

            Zayn finds the nearest wall and leans, watching Liam work. It’s amusing to Zayn how lost Liam gets with doing such a simple, yet skillful task such as making sandwiches, “Done!” Liam half shouts. He turns around, holding onto one large tray with two plates on it. Each plate had one of Liam’s famous sandwiches on it, surrounded by sliced up pickles. And the glasses of lemonade were there too, “Let’s eat upstairs.” Liam starts walking towards the stairs and Zayn simply follows behind him, grasping his stomach as his insides began eating themselves.

            Liam brings Zayn into his room, and they sit on his bed, “Take a bit and tell me if you like it.” Liam smiles, watching Zayn intently. Zayn takes his bite and chews slowly. Liam really does make amazing sandwiches. He wants to tease Liam, so he scrunches up his face as he still chews, “You don’t like it?” Zayn sees Liam frown and gives him a smile before he chews again. As his mouth is filled with his next bite Zayn gives Liam a thumbs up.

            “Told you I make kick ass sandwiches.” Liam flaunts as he takes his bite, enjoying his creation himself. The two eat in silence. It was a nice silence though. It gave Zayn a time to really think about his affection towards Liam. Liam, as well as his parents, are really the only ones who respect Zayn out of all the families he’s been through. They respect his past. They respect his reason for not talking. They make Zayn feel as if they actually care, something Zayn isn’t familiar with. Sure Ms. Layanette cares, but it’s different when a family actually cares.

            Liam and Zayn finish their sandwiches and Liam moves the tray to the ground, “Smell that?” Liam wonders aloud as he leans back against the headboard of his bed. Zayn sniffs the air and the aroma of Liam’s mother’s stew suffocates Zayn. He likes it, of course, “Just wait until you taste it.” Liam winks. Zayn grins and adjusts his position so he’s lying down horizontally across the bed with his legs dangling off the edge.

            “I’m glad you’re here, Zayn.” Liam says, looking down at Zayn, “Even with my friends, and Harry being my neighbor, it gets boring when I’m in here all alone. I’m just glad you’re here to finally keep me company.” Zayn turns and smiles at Liam, nodding slowly as if he is saying, “I’m glad I’m here too.”

            The two boys waste their day away with pointless chitchat. Or whatever you call it when one person talks and the other just reacts. Liam checks the time and surprises himself when it nears dinner, “Any minute now and mom will call us down for her stew.” Liam pats his stomach, clearly hungry once again. Zayn copies and sits up, cracking his neck.

            “Zayn?” Liam softly speaks, “If you want, I can teach you to swim. I mean, if you want. But yeah.” But before Liam can continue his offer, Zayn is shaking his head, declining Liam’s offer. Sure, it’s sweet of him, but he doesn’t want to have to get Liam to teach him to swim. Zayn is seventeen and he can teach himself whenever he’s good and ready. Zayn likes how Liam does these things for him, like double checks on him, makes him sandwiches, and now offers to teach him to swim, but Zayn still needs some sense of independency.

            Just as Liam opens his mouth to respond, there’s a call from downstairs, “Dinner’s ready you two!” Both Liam and Zayn snap their heads to the side and then look back at each other. Liam jumps off the bed and so does Zayn. They run alongside one another and hurry down the stairs to the dinner table. Liam takes his normal spot, and Zayn sits in what he figures to be his spot. As soon as he sits, Karen leans and gives Zayn his helping of the stew. He closes his eyes and inhales its scent. It sure did smell the best.

            The Payne’s start eating and Zayn quickly starts too, amazed by the taste. He slows down as he’s hit with a feeling of compassion. He’s confused, but not really bothered by it. Zayn smiles to himself, finally feeling at home here. He’s given his own spot at the dinner table, he’s sitting in on a family dinner where he actually feels wanted and like a part of the family, and he’s treated like an actual son of theirs.

            Zayn hasn’t felt this kind of love and emotion in such a long time. It’s all new to him. But he loves it.


Written by _BoyDirectioner

My apologies for the short chapter. But I think it's cute and sweet. Whataya think? Let us know with a comment ^_^.


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