[9] - Alone Again

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The sun burn hurts like hell, and sleeping that night doesn’t go well for Zayn. But when does sleeping ever really go that well? He has to lay on his stomach to avoid serious pain and he wants to go back in time and punch himself in the face. How could he have been so stupid?

            He can hear noise from outside, the neighbors must be having some kind of party, and they keep setting off fireworks that boom and crack, only further keeping Zayn up. It’s actually starting to get on his nerves. Eventually, he sits up, staring out the window and watching the bright explosions of light that he catches over the tree line. It’s like his own private firework show. He grins. Zayn can’t stop thinking of Mrs. Layanette, and how much she loves fireworks. One time they spent a holiday together when Zayn was younger and in between foster homes. They had watched fireworks all night and gone out to dinner. It is one of the best memories Zayn has, other than memories to do with Liam now.

            “Hey, Zayn,” Liam is walking into Zayn’s room, and it doesn’t even surprise Zayn anymore. Liam always comes in before bed, either to say goodnight or just to flash a smile. It’s actually really nice. Zayn nods and realizes that he is still grinning like a mad man. “You like fireworks?” Zayn nods again, making his face return to normal. “I like them too, but not when they are keeping me up at all hours of the night,”

            They sit together on Zayn’s bed for awhile, watching more of the light show. Liam keeps on chatting, “You know, there is a county festival coming up in like a week. We should go. They have a huge firework display at the end and we could watch it together if you want,”

            Zayn giggles, he actually giggles, and he wants to hit himself again. What happened to angry, upset, hate filled Zayn? Where did that boy even go?

            Liam talks some more, “You know, Zee, I wish you would talk. I sometimes think about what your voice sounds like and I think that it’s kind of funny. I bet it’s really smooth,” Zayn’s eyebrow pops up and he looks at Liam skeptically. He wants to ask why in the hell Liam is thinking about his voice. Or, why he thinks Zayn’s voice is smooth. But the look Zayn gives Liam is enough to make the boy blush and mutter, “I’m just saying what’s on my mind right now, no filter, sorry, I’m tired,”

            They both go silent again and stare out the window, but the fireworks are over now, and all there is surrounding them is a quiet and thick darkness. It’s actually kind of nice and warm, Zayn thinks at least. He moves around so he can see Liam better and suddenly wants to draw him. But then he remembers Liam finding his sketches. He remembers how angry he felt. Zayn bites his lip and swallows, trying to contain his sudden anger.

            “Are you okay?” Liam asks, “You look upset,”

            Zayn shrugs and gestures to the door, he kind of wants Liam to leave now and he isn’t sure why.

            “Oh, uh, okay,” Liam stands, “I didn’t mean to overstay my welcome. I hope your sun burn gets better. But I assume it heals pretty quick right? You’re soft skin is really tan,”

            There it is again, Zayn thinks. Liam just called his skin soft. What was going on?

            “Goodnight,” Liam leaves quickly, disappearing into the darkness.

            Zayn lays down and stares at the ceiling, talking to no one but himself, “Goodnight, Liam,”

            If only the boy in the next room over would have heard it.


            The week passes quickly, and Zayn has never felt so happy before. He’s still trying to get over his anger towards Liam about the sketches, but it’s not like he openly conveys this anger anyway. Liam is too perfect for Zayn to be mad at. That’s why Zayn can only be mad when Liam is a good twenty feet away.

            Mr. and Mrs. Payne watch over Zayn like he is one of their own. And towards the end of Zayn’s first week, Mrs. Layanette is due for her first week inspection just to see how things are doing. Zayn hasn’t made it to first week inspection for years. He almost forgets what happens.

            So, that Sunday morning Zayn is woken up by a gentle hand on his arm. It’s Liam.

            “Hey, Zayn, your social worker is here. It’s time for first week inspection,”

            Zayn stands up and runs towards the bathroom. There’s a part of him that craves to see Mrs. Layanette again. Did he really miss her this much? Maybe she had become a second mother to him after all this time and anger and confusion. She was always there. Perhaps she would be the closest thing to real family Zayn would ever have. Zayn smiles to myself and gets ready quickly, hopping down the stairs and then freezing when he sees a lady who is definitely not Mrs. Layanette.

            “Hello,” She says, “Mrs. Layanette isn’t able to be with us anymore. She was recently released from her position. She just couldn’t handle the emotions anymore. I’m your new social worker, Mrs. Garrett.”

            Anger fills Zayn, an anger that he hasn’t felt in a long time. It was something he felt at his last foster home. It’s an animalistic anger that starts consuming him and he just wants to hit someone. But Mr. and Mrs. Payne and Liam are all there smiling at this new woman like she’s a saint. But where is my social worker? Zayn wants to scream. Where is Mrs. Layanette?          

            Zayn turns on his heel and sprints from the room, not caring about the first week inspection, not caring about Mr. and Mrs. Payne. Not even caring about Liam, who he suddenly hates so much. He just hates everyone. No one ever sticks around. Not even Mrs. Layanette. So how should Zayn trust Liam? Or Mr. and Mrs. Payne? How is he supposed to trust anyone?

            Zayn hears Liam following him. He wants to yell for him to fuck off.

            But all Zayn can really do is lock himself in his room and cry. 


Written by Anonymous43


It's officially summer so you can expect a lot more from this story! The beautiful Ali wrote this, and we're just beyond happy that we're getting back into this! Have you missed it? What are your thoughts on Mrs. Layanette leaving? Tell us in the comments!


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