[7] - Beautiful Sketches

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          Liam watches from his window as the sun rises over the lake in his backyard. The contrast between light and dark is very artistic and watching the world wake up with him is just something he adores. He loves waking up in time to watch the sun rise; to him it was one of the most beautiful things a person could witness. Liam also enjoys watching as the sun lights up the lake water and how the shadow of the night slowly disappears as the sun rises. He figures it’s about six in the morning and he doesn’t really want to bother checking his phone because it would ruin his small moment.

            Liam let’s a small sigh through his lips. His mother would be up soon to start her daily chores. She is a morning person and Liam definitely gets that from her because the morning is his favorite part of the entire day. He loves listening to the birds in the trees around his house wake up with their tweets. Liam moves away from the small windowsill in his room and changes out of his pajamas and throws on some jeans and a t-shirt and quietly leaves his room, not wanting to wake up his family. Not wanting to wake up Zayn.

            He goes down the steps and heads to the back patio. The crisp morning air strikes Liam and livens him up. He inhales slowly, taking in the beautiful nature around him, and starts to walk down to the dock. Liam doesn’t bother with socks or shoes because another thing he loves it the tickle of grass in between his toes. Call him childish but it is something he would never hate. As he takes his steps he watches the dew fly through the air. This makes Liam smile.

            When he reaches the dock he grabs onto the rope on either side and glides his hands over it. They’re rough and lightly itch Liam’s hands. If his grip were to be tighter it would be irritating but Liam knows better than to hold onto the rope tightly. Before reaching the end of the wooden catwalk he rolls up the bottoms of his jeans so when he sits he can put his feet into the lake. The water is chilly on Liam’s skin but he doesn’t jerk away from it. He’s grown up with this lake. He’s used to the chill of it. Yet another thing he loves; the cold lake water. He falls back so he’s lying down. There’s a small tug on his abdomens but he doesn’t mind.

            The birds start chirping and Liam knows his mother will wake up any minute now. She always awoke with the birds. It isn’t strange for her to wake up and see Liam sitting out at the dock. He does it regularly. When school was in, he’d sometimes wake up extra early and sit out at the lake before he had to go to school. It’s just something Liam does, and will always do. He rolls his head to the side and stares down to Harry’s property. It isn’t too far away. Probably a two-minute walk.

            Liam then starts to wonder what his friends thought of Zayn. Sure, they said they like him, but do they really? What if they really don’t like him? Then Liam wouldn’t know what to do. He loves his friends and cherishes them dearly, but Liam already has this weird, yet strong affection for Zayn. Liam laughs lightly to himself. They have to like Zayn. It’s Zayn for crying out loud. What isn’t there to like?

            Zayn. Zayn Malik. Liam then starts thinking of his new brother and how ever since he was a small boy he wanted a brother. Before he understood where babies actually came from he would always ask his mother and father to go out and buy him a brother, but later when he learned about sex he stopped asking, but still secretly wanted one. He even used to ask Santa to bring him a brother but Santa never listened. However, with the arrival of Zayn, Liam figures Santa finally gave him what he’s always wanted.

            Though, one thing still confuses Liam. Why does he appear so beautiful to Zayn? He always thought that brothers were supposed to play fight around the yard, have belching contests, and dare each other to do stupid things. He never anticipated having such a personal relationship with his brother, one where his brother draws Liam to perfection. But even then, is Liam supposed to feel like this? Is he supposed to be as flattered as he is? Or is he supposed to retaliate and accuse Zayn for being a creep and have him never draw him again?

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