[8] - Burns

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            Liam doesn’t really know what to do. Night is about to fall over them and Zayn is still hiding in his room, not letting anyone in. Liam’s parents are oblivious to what happened, they just assume it’s one of Zayn’s episodes Ms. Layanette pre-warned them about; however, Liam knew differently.

            He offended Zayn. Betrayed his trust. Broke into his personal life when Liam knew he shouldn’t have done so, “He’ll come out eventually.” Liam looks over to Niall, who is sitting on the other end of his couch, “If he can forgive Louis for practically drowning him, he can forgive you for admiring his work.” Niall shoots a smirk off towards Louis, who is sitting on the other couch with Harry. Louis gives Niall one of his classic eye rolls, and directs his attention back to the television.

            Liam doesn’t trust Niall’s words. This was much more different than just the accident in the lake. Zayn’s drawing is what helps him get by, and Liam had just walked in and disrupted it all, “What were his drawings of anyway?” Harry asks, leaning his head back on the couch cushion, “We’re they at least nice?”

            Liam bits his lip, not really sure if he should tell them what Zayn has been drawing. Liam already broke Zayn’s trust enough, “Yeah, he’s really good.” Liam shrugs, looking back to the television. He wasn’t paying attention, but he would at least pretend to if it meant not talking about Zayn and his secrets.

            By the end of the night, Liam manages to stay quiet about Zayn’s artwork, “Want to come by tomorrow? Go for a swim? Tomorrow’s supposed to be hot.” Liam suggests as his friends walk down his front porch. They look at one another and nod collectively, “Great, I’ll see you around noon then.” Liam isn’t asking, he’s telling them this. They all leave with another nod and Liam retreats back into his house. His parents are already asleep as it was nearing one in the morning.

            Liam makes his way back upstairs, walking past Zayn’s room, to his own. However, there’s a light coming from under Zayn’s door that distracts Liam. Zayn must be awake, “Zayn?” Liam quietly speaks into the old wooden door, “You awake?” Liam listens as there is subtle movement coming from the other side of the closed door and frowns when he sees the light from underneath disappear. Zayn’s ignoring him.

            Liam quickly, but quietly goes to his room and dresses in the appropriate sleepwear for a humid night like tonight, and then walks back to Zayn’s door. The light is still off, but he just knows that Zayn is awake. Zayn isn’t much of a sleeper.

            On the other side of the door, Zayn’s sitting against the bed backboard and is starring off into the darkness. He isn’t looking forward to talking to Liam. In fact, he would much rather pretend it never happened. Zayn looks to the side and reads his clock, 1:43am. A small yawn leaves his mouth inaudibly as he crawls under his lightweight covers. It was so bloody hot in his room, even with his fan on. Zayn closes his eyes and feels like he falls asleep, but he isn’t really sure because he feels himself tossing and turning all night long, and when he finally opens his eyes, the clock reads 4:06am.

            Zayn grunts. There’s no way he’s going to get any sleep tonight. He sits up, trying to lick his lips but they are sandy and dry. Then he realizes his entire mouth feels like a dried up desert and needs a glass of water. He kicks himself out of bed and walks over to his door, in only his briefs. As he opens the door he jumps back quietly. Liam’s sitting on the floor, against the wall, opposite Zayn’s room. Zayn looks down and sees that Liam’s sleeping. Was he out here all night? Suddenly Zayn feels horrible for Liam. His position did not look comfortable at all.

            Zayn bends down and pokes Liam’s shoulder a couple times, trying to gently wake him up, though, he isn’t sure why. Isn’t Zayn supposed to be “mad” at Liam? When Liam opens his eyes, Zayn gets back up and walks down the hallway to the bathroom, “I must have fell asleep siting there.” Liam yawns as he follows Zayn into the bathroom, watching him as he pours himself some water.

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