[13] - Ferris Wheel Of Mistakes

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            “The park closes at midnight, mum.” Liam smiles to his mother, who’s just pulling out of the family’s driveway, “We’ll probably grab food after – do you wanna grab food after, Zayn?” Liam turns around in the passenger’s seat of this mum’s car and looks at Zayn. Zayn gives a quick nod, refusing to speak in front of Mrs. Payne. He’s starting to love Mrs. Payne, but not enough to trust her like he trusts Liam. “It’s settled. I’ll text or call you when we figure out where we’re going to eat after, alright, mum?” Liam gets lost in a simple conversation with his mum while Zayn sits in the back seat, occupied by his thoughts. He’s excited to be going to this festival since Liam told him that there are a few rides to go on. But Zayn’s just so excited to watch the fireworks.

            It amazes Zayn how quickly they arrive to the festival. When he steps out of the car, he’s bombarded with the sound of music, children hooting, and the smell of salty popcorn, and greasy fries. As cliché as Zayn feels, it was exactly everything he had hoped for. Quickly, Liam catches up to Zayn, who was a good ten feet ahead. At first, Liam remains quiet, but is watching Zayn take everything in, and he feels this amazing feeling in his heart. The festival was Liam’s idea, and to see the smile it put on Zayn’s face, is enough to make Liam smile too.

            “What do you want to do first?” Liam asks, thinking he gave Zayn enough time to bathe in the wonders that is the county festival. Zayn slows his pace and bites his lip. He’s looking around for something he wants to do.

            “Is everything a valid response?” Zayn laughs that laugh that makes the apples of his cheeks bounce up, making his eyes glimmer. Liam loves when Zayn laughs like this, it just, makes him feel weird on the inside, but a good kind of weird. “Or, we could be disgustingly cheesy and play those rigged carnival games that no one win at.”

            “I’m down for being disgustingly cheesy.” Liam agrees, “It’s a good way to ease into the festival lifestyle.” Liam beckons Zayn along and leads him to the first of many rigged carnival games, “Here we have that stupid ring toss game. I think you should give it a go, Zayn!” Zayn nods, but stand awkwardly at the table with the carny. Zayn can’t bring himself to speak to the man behind the booth, and instantly, he feels embarrassed. “Don’t worry,” Liam says, “We’ll take two sets please.” Liam now speaks to the carny, paying him in exact change. Zayn silently laughs and picks up his ring and tosses as Liam tosses his. They both miss, but they both expected that to be the case. When they’re finished playing, Zayn has two rings around bottle, and Liam only has one; however, they don’t win anything.

            Liam takes Zayn to the next set of games which include the one where you shoot water into a small hole to fill up a balloon, and also the one where you take a hammer and whack a post to see how strong you are – both games in which Liam and Zayn epically fail at, but the company was nice. Their adventures with the classical festival games come to an end, taking about an hour to complete them all. Up next is Zayn’s favorite type of ride and that is the rollercoaster. Zayn isn’t quite sure why it’s his favorite, because he’s never been on one, but, he’s seen a lot of videos of rollercoasters, and to him, they look like so much fun. They wait in line for about forty-five minutes, which feels like no time since Liam and Zayn can’t stop talking to one another.

            “Good thing we picked this one, and not the other one.” Liam says, leaning against the metal bar that makes up the line.

            “Why’s that?” Zayn asks, copying Liam’s movements.

            “Because it was the baby one. When you suggested it I was going to say something, but stopped myself in case you really wanted to go on it,” Liam chuckles, “But, I’m glad you went for this one.” The line shortens and they both move along, getting closer to the actual ride itself. It takes another ten minutes until Liam and Zayn are sitting in the very front row of the coaster with the safety arm lowered, securing them in. The man working the ride gives them the all clear and the coaster starts moving slowly. Liam’s sitting casually and Zayn’s kicking his feet with excitement.

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