Chapter one - Smosh goes next level

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Shayne's POV



" Mother..." . A deep sigh leaves my body as I'm driving onto the highway towards the office, or * Smoffice* as someone so hilariously chose to call it.

The drivers in the LA traffic are insane. Everyday, there is some idiot who probably just enjoys pissing people off by beeping at other drivers for no reason.

Ugh.. I still have that after coffee breath in my mouth- that I for some dumb reason chose to drink after I brushed my teeth. Wooow... I'm even putting myself in a bad mood. Get your shit together Shayne, Jesus..

I look at the time on the digital screen in my car.

8.34am. I'm actually on time today. At least that's something.

I pull up my car to the Smosh head quarters and bumped into Noah on the way to the main entrance.

" Sup duuuude!" Noah says smiling a little bit to aggressively.

" Woow! What did you put in your coffee this morning? Viagra?" I said while wrinkling my face making Noah chuckle.

" What, I'm in a good and slightly weird mood today. What did you put in your coffee, depression? " Noah says with a slight smile, not at all discrete about being proud of this comeback line.

We walked up to the office, Noah still smiling like a crazy person, which honestly, kind of lightened up my mood a little.

Olivia and Courtney walks out of the breakroom, chatting about something I'm probably too tired to give a crap about.

Jesus, I really did put depression in my coffee this morning.

Matt Raub opens the door from one of the conference rooms further down the hall shouting,

" Smosh employees assemble -morning meeting in 5 minutes! That's 5 minutes , I'm looking at you Keith!"

Matt points at Keith who is sitting with his feet up on his desk, slightly raising his arms in defence as if he had been falsely accused of something, which we all know wasn't false at all.

Everybody makes it to the meeting. I sat down on a chair in the middle of the long table, with Joven on one side of me and Monica on the other.

" Morning dumb dumbs" Ian says while standing in front of everyone thinking he's the one holding the meeting, until Matt puts a hand on his shoulder, pressing him down to his seat.

" Alright Ian, thank you for starting this meeting by calling everyone dumb. " he says making a few people laugh.

" Today we have some very exciting news. Two weeks from today we will be off to- SMOSH WINTER GAMES!!

Everybody starts cheering and jumping of their seats. The excitement for Smosh games, both winter and summer games, is always massive, not only by us who gets to film it, but also by the fans.

" This year however it's going to be a bit different" Sarah says making everybody quiet.

" The format is going to be the same, don't freak out. But this year we are actually.."

" SMOSH WINTER GAMES ARE GOING INTERNATIONAL" Matt screams interrupting Sarah mid sentence, making her almost lose balance.

" Hey"

" Sorry Sarah, you are just way too slow getting the point out" Matt says smirking and shaking his head.


The room what once was quite, is now filled with cheers, screams and OMG's. Everybody is now standing, clapping their hands with excitement and a few awkward dance moves can be seen around the room.

" We're pulling a Pitbull up in this bitch" I say with a comedic voice making people laugh.

" Alright alright, settle down everybody " Matt says and everyone starts to calm down.

" We have been in contact with a company that rents out cabins in winter resorts all around the world for youth camps, business conferences and larger group activities, like our Smosh Games. I hope you all can find your inner viking and are ready to explore a smorgasbord of fun adventures, because we are going to SWEDEN!!"

Another and a lot louder cheer is spread across the room. People are freaking out. Whatever grumpy mood I had 15 minutes ago- is long gone.

" Shut up, are you serious??" Damien shouts out in excitement. " You are going to make me cry"

Everybody is looking at Damien with shiny eyes, being very aware that Damien has a love for Norse mythology and history.

" aww Damien, you are finally going to Scandinavia dude" Courtney says putting a hand on his shoulders.

The meeting goes on for another couple of hours. Pretty much for the rest of the day. A lot of planning, idéa pitchings for the competitions, team names and a overall excitement. I can't believe we are actually going overseas for winter games. God i love my job.

That night I go to bed with a big smile on my face. Sweden... here we come. 

HIII GUYS!! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!! This story is going to be one crazy rollercoaster! Embrace youselves <33

SMOSH GOES INTERNATIONAL &lt;Shayne Topp x Reader&gt;Where stories live. Discover now