Chapter Fifteen - a life change

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Author's note: This and the rest of the chapters will be written in present time! Like Y/N has been dreaming about what happened during the Smosh winter games and this is her living in the present.

Let's continue!

Your POV

" I hate this Y/N.... I can't do it. I can't leave you."

" I hate this Y/N.... I can't do it. I can't leave you."

" I hate this Y/N.... I can't do it. I can't leave you."

I can't get it out of my head. Those words he said to me on the worst day of my life.The more I try the more I fail. It's not easy. Every day feels like agony. Like my world is falling apart and it won't get better. Kind of like my life is the absolute hardest. Which I know isn't the case, but that's what it feels like.

It's been four weeks since the Smosh fam left. Me and Shayne have been keeping contact but it hasn't been easy. Every time we FaceTime we are reminded of how hard it is for us to not be together. At this point we only text each other, because its too damn hard to see his face. We are at a weird point of where we don't really know what to do or how to act.

We know we love each other... but should we move on and tell ourselves that it was only a holiday romance or keep this as a long distance relationship. We have yet to answer that question.

It's a Monday afternoon. I have just finished my work for the day and I'm walking into the office to leave some papers for my boss to sign.

" Here you go boss, page 2 and 6 needs to be signed and I also wanted to remind you that Helena from the car rental wanted your confirmation on the car deal next week"

The usual positive and kind Y/N wasn't in the office today. She hasn't been since four weeks back. I try to stay positive but when you live in a world that feels like hell, it's not the easiest thing to do.

" Thank you Y/N I will take care of this right away"

I nod my head and walk towards the door.

" Y/N can I talk to you for a minute?"

I turn and look at him confusingly. " Yeah of course, is something wrong? "

"No, no...em ..yes actually" He gesture me to sit down on the chair across from him. He signed deeply. " Y/N you know how valuable you are to us and how much we appreciate everything that you do and have been doing these last five years..."

" Are you firing me?" I ask him sadly and my voice starting to shake.

" No no no not at all. I would never fire you! However... I'm asking you to consider quitting."

Da hell. What is he talking about?

"I don't understand what you are saying...why would I quit?"

"Y/N ever since Smosh left you haven't been yourself. You don't laugh the way you use to, you don't smile when you greet us and to be completely honest... the Y/N I know isn't sitting across from me. What happened?"

I sign and my head falls into my palms.

"I know...... ugh I know I haven't been myself lately and I'm sorry for that, it's just.... I.. ugh..I" I look at my boss trying to figure out the right words to say.

"This is going to sound weird and probably a bit lame, but It's like a part of me left when they did. You know I don't have that many friends in town anymore, since pretty much all of them have moved away...and with Smosh, it felt like I was surrounded by my best friends and I could be completely myself around them. And when they left...I realized how lonely I actually am and how much his.. I mean their, presence meant for me. "

" Y/N believe it or not, I know what you are feeling. I might be old but I was young once. I remembered being absolutely devastated when my friends decided to move away and I decided to stay to keep my fathers business"

" and we are very thankful that you did. I have absolutely loved working here"

"But do you see yourself still working here in a couple of years?" He looked at me with a smile.

His question caught me off guards. I haven't thought about not working here. I loved it so much and I knew I was needed here.

"I don't know" I finally said to him after a few seconds of silence.

"I mean you need me here. Ive always thought that as long as you need me I gonna be here"

" I know Y/N and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me and this business. But is it really what you want? Taking over my fathers business was my dream. But is it yours? To work here for the rest of your life?"

I'm quite taken by this conversation. It kind of makes me emotional, like i've avoided taking about my future.

"Y/N all I want is for you to be happy. To do the things you love, to chase your own dreams. Don't worry about me! Thanks to Smosh promoting us we are absolutely booked out for the next five months. I already have multiple interviews with potential new workers here. Everything is going so well. And thats thanks to you."

He sits up from the chair and sits on the chair next to mine, taking my hand in his.

"Y/N you have been like a daughter to me these last few years. And now I'm telling you exactly what I told my own children when they moved out. Go. Go. Live your life. Explore the world..." He pauses for a few seconds mid sentence. "Go to Shanye Y/N"

My eyes widened at the mention of his name. "How did you..."

"Y/N I'm not blind. And if I didn't know better....I would say he is the love of your life."

My eyes is starting to fill with tears. I look into my bosses eyes.

"He might actually be just that. I miss him so much... what do I do?"

"GO TO HIM FOR GODS SAKE" My boss said almost laughing out as he stood up, actually more flying up. I'm laughing at his sudden action. "You are crazy"

"But seriously Y/N... give yourself some time and think about what Ive said. If you choose to stay, I'm here with open arms. But truly think about it. A life in the states. With the people you call family. With the man that holds your heart so dearly"

"Now it sounds like you're reading song lyrics"

*chuckle*. My boss walks back to the chair behind the desk.

"Promise me you'll think about it, okay? And don't worry, i will help you with everything that you need. Promise me?"

I stand up from my chair, smiling for the first time in four weeks. "I promise." 

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