Chapter Fourteen- The day was here

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Time skip to the last day

Your POV

The day was here. The day Smosh had to go back to the states. The last days were days I would remember forever. Oh how fun we've had. I wanna re-live them a hundred times over. The endless hours playing games, exploring the village, the food wars, the late night chatting, the countless tries to get Keith to ski again... All the laughter. I have found myself a new family, a family I now have to say goodbye to and worse, may not ever see again.

The sun was out, bright in the sky. Even tho the clock hasn't hit 8am yet, the day would have been an absolute delight.. yet how could it be when they aren't around anymore.

I was standing on the porch, with my arms crossed while I watched the crew pack all of the things into the bus.

Most of them were still in their rooms, packing there finals items into their bag. I couldn't go to them. I wanted to help but I tried to drag the time until I had to look them in the eyes and say goodbye. This place is going to be so empty when they leave. And the feeling of FOMO ( fear of missing out) started to claw its way into my head and I tried my very best to shake it off.

One by one, they exited the cabin with the luggage. As they placed their belongings into the bus, they one by one, came up to me. Each goodbye was harder then the last.

Courtney: *sniff* " I hate this Y/N... I don't want to leave,"

" I know court" I stroked her back while I hugged her tightly. " We knew this day was coming. It's doesn't make it easier, but we have to make the best of it." I pulled her out of the hug and smiled at her. " Goodbye Court.."

Courtney: " Goodbye Y/N..." She walked back to the bus with her head down.

Matt: " You've been an absolute angel. If you are ever in the states I demand you come and visit us"

Ian: " You are apart of our family now. We will always have a spot open for you to join the team, if you ever get the chance"

Damien: " Thank you for everything. You will always be remembered. "

Sarah: " I'm gonna say goodbye and then walk with a straight face back to the bus. I have told myself not to cry until I'm on the bus."

Each and everyone hugged to so tightly, never really wanted to let go. I said goodbye to all of them, trying my absolute hardest to not burst out in tears. Yet...the hardest goodbye was about to come..

The last one leaving the cabin, was Shayne. Everyone was in the bus, ready to go.

I locked my eyes with him. I couldn't contain my tears anymore. I placed my hand on my mouth as I let the tears stream down my face. Shayne dropped his bags and ran towards me.

The embraced me tightly as tears were streaming from his own eyes.

" I hate this Y/N.... I can't do it. I can't leave you."

I pulled away from the hug slightly, placing my hand around his cheek.

" I know... I know.." I stroked some of his tears away. This was indescribably difficult for the both of us, but we had to. We had to say goodbye. " Shayne this has been the best time of my life. Never did I think that I would be so blessed to meet someone like you. You've made me so happy, so grateful and the best part of it all, you've made me feel safe. I will forever be grateful for you and what you've done for me."

Shayne took my hand from his face and placed it on top of his heart.

" Y/N... I don't have words for how much you mean to me. You are and forever will be the woman who stole this heart. It's sounds incredibly cheese, but its true. You will always have a special place in my heart, no matter where you are or what you do. And i have never been so sure of anything in my entire life. Y/N I...I ...I.."

I stroked his face gently once again, smiling and looking into his eyes. " I know Shayne... I know... I do too" . He smiled gently towards me and placed his lips on mine. It was the best kiss I've ever had in my life. A kiss that I knew would linger for a long time, wishing it would come back. We separated from the kiss and hugged tightly.... for the last time.

While on the bus..

Damiens POV

We observed the heartbreaking moment of Y/N and Shayne's goodbye through the bus windows. I looked around and everyone had a devastated expression on their faces. We all shared Shayne and Y/N's pain. Leaving Y/N was hard on all of us, we loved her so much, we didn't want to leave her. But our pain could not even compare to Shayne's.

We all knew that this wasn't just a crush- this was the real deal, she was the love of his life and he was hers.

" They really are in love huh?" I said braking the silence while looking at Shayne and Y/N separating from their hug.

" Mm.." the rest of the bus responded together.

Noah: " I can't imagine what they are going through right now. "

Olivia: " When I said that I hoped one of you would meet someone on this trip, this is not how I wanted it to end."

A few sniffs and silence filled the bus once again as Y/N and Shayne let go of each others hands for the last time. Shane walked towards the bus, each step more painful then the last. As the walked in, we all turned our eyes to me, sympathy spread across our faces.

" Thank you guys... Please let me sit alone for a little bit" He said while trying to swallow his breath down. We all nodded our heads and let him go further down the bus, placing himself on the empty seat in the very back.

The bus started moving and we all waved towards Y/N, who were standing on the porch, with tears in her eyes and all alone.

The last thing I saw was Y/N falling on her knees, with her hands over her mouth and tears streaming down her face.

It broke my heart. 

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