Chapter two- The cabin host

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Your POV

The snow scooter flies over the piste, drifting when I turn around the trees. This is probably my favourite time of my day. The time I just get to feel free.

I've lived in Sweden my entire life but my mind is still blown over how beautiful this place is. Absolutely stunning.

Buzzz Buzzz

I'm awoken form my thoughts by my phone buzzing in my pocket. I stopped the scooter and picked my phone.

Boss: Hey Y/N! Can you come over to the cabin, we have some bookings we need to look over!

Me: Absolutely! I'll be there in 7 minutes!

——-Time skip 7 minutes———

I walked into the cabin towards my boss who is sitting on the couch in the big living area.

" Hi Y/N! How did the scooter ride go today?" My boss says smiling when he sees me come towards him.

" Really good, some of the signs were all covered with snow so I swiped those off and then I helped Freja prepare the Huskies for todays dog sledding ride!" i said sitting across from him.

" Awesome! Hey so we have a booking for next week and three weeks onwards in this cabin, by a group of american's who calls themselves Smash...or Smish..."

" You mean Smosh? The Youtube channel? " I asked slightly widening my eyes.

" Yes exactly, you know them?" my boss asked encouragely.

" Well I know of them! I've watched some of their content, it's really good! Their youtube channel is huge."

" Well do you wanna be the cabin host for them when they are here? I was thinking of asking either you or Lars, but let's face it when it comes to social media culture and speaking english in general, Lars isn't the best fit is he? " my boss says slightly laughing and putting his hand on his heart showing that he said all that with love.

" Yeah I can totally do that! I don't think you've scheduled me to do anything specific during that time so I'm all in! Did they say why there are coming here? " i asked.

" Well in the email they sent me they said something about winter games.." he said confused while re- reading the email.

" I know what that is! They have this format called Smosh winter games, where they split up into two teams, competing against each other in different competitions and activities." I said smiling widely, trying not to look too excited that the one youtube channel I've actually followed a while now, is coming to Sweden to record winter games, probably the best type of content they have.

" Then it's settled! I'm glad you are doing this Y/N! You know this place better than anyone and since I guess you are around the same age as them it's easier for you to connect with them!" he says smiling.

We went over some lists of preparations to make sure everything was ready for them to come.

After my shift was over, I picked up some groceries before heading home.

I popped on the Tv while making myself some food. I decided to check out some old Smosh winter games videos and just couldn't turn of the Tv. Their content is so good and it made me laugh so hard. They just seem so nice and kind. I can't wait to meet them. I might be interested to meet one person particularly... 

Author note: 

This is a shorter chapter, but I promise the other chapters will be longer! Peace <3 

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