Chapter six- Netflix and chill

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Your POV


" Welcome everybody to NETFLIX AND CHILL!!" Matt shouted into the camera.

" yeeeahh!"

" woo woo wooh "

" Can't wait to get ice down my pants"

They all yelled out. I didn't know what to say so I just smiled.

" You all know the basics of this game, one by one they are all going to be giving a description of a movie from and if you get it wrong, you have to pour a bucket of ice, down your pants."


" and if you get it right, your team get's a point and the teams with the most points at the end, wins the game"

" The scores are currently 3 points for T/N and 2 points for T/N! "

" Go team T/N!!"

" No go team T/N"

" Now you might wonder why Boze turned well, white and blonde. " Matt said and we all laughed. " This is Y/N..."


" GO Y/N"

" Y/N's gonna kill it"

" Y/N for the win" Everyone cheered , even the people of the opposite team, when Matt called out your name.

" In case you didn't catch that um, it's Y/N" I said to the camera and people laughed.

" Boze isn't feeling too well, so we have Y/N covering for her today, our amazing cabin host and now a very appreciated new smosh fam member." Matt said clapping his hands.

" Who's gonna start?"

The game went on and it was even between the teams and I was the last one to guess, meaning if I got the movie right, " my" team would win the game. No pressure

" Alright Y/N, are you ready? "

" Not at all" I said shaking my head.

" Too bad" Matt said and read up the movie description.

" In a post-apocalyptic future, tyrannical supercomputers teleport this person back to the 1984. Meanwhile, the rebels dispatch a love warrior to safeguard Sarah"

I look into the sky, trying to figure out what the fuck he was saying.

" To everybody who's watching" I said looking into the camera." It was nice meeting you, eh I'm never going to be invited to a Smosh video again.." * slight laughter*

" Because I have nooo idea what the crap this movie is". I tapped my hand on my thigh. "mmm"..

" you got this Y/N, think really hard! " Keith said hoping it would help.

" I'm trying to think of literally any action movie.."

" Five, four, three, two, one... make a guess" Matt said pointing at me.

*Sign*. " The terminator. " I said shaking my head, not at all confident what is was right.

" YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS" The whole team was now standing and cheering like they just won the lottery. I jumped out of chock.

" IT IS THE TERMINATOR, T/N got the point and they are the winners of this game!!!"

Matt shouted and everything was literal chaos. I felt several of them trying to hug me before Shayne lifted me from my chair and spun me around, making me laugh. " That's our girl!!" He yelled before setting me down on my chair again. I was so confused on what was going on.

"Wait, what, that's was right? HAHAHA" I laughed to hard I almost fell out of my chair.

" That was a complete guess."

" I should be sad that our team lost the game but I'm not because that was impressive" Damien said sitting with the opposite team and everyone agreed.

" Well that has been Netflix and Chill, tune back in tomorrow for the next game, don't forget to vote on which team you think should win this years Smosh winter games, in the description below- BYE!!

" ...and cut, amazing job guys" Ryan said behind the camera as some of the group were trying to scoop out the ice from their pants.

I looked over the whole group and a warm sensation filled my body. I love these people. I don't want them to leave, ever. 

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