Chapter seven- The kiss

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Shayne's POV

Today was our day off. The group parted during the day, with half of us going around the village and the other half went skiing for a couple of hours.

It's dinner time and we were all sitting in the dining area, eating an amazing lasagna.

" Guys be aware, I think Shayne's having an orgasm." Ian said making everyone turn their heads towards me.

" I'm not even going to argue, this lasagna is amazing- I am having a orgasm" i said making a come expression on my face * Laughter*

" You did really good, you just need to focus your balance on your feet when you are turning". I turn around to see Y/N placing her plate across from me, talking to Keith who sat down next to her.

" Skiing is freaking hard, how are you so good at this?"

" Because I'm been skiing my whole life, that's how" She said smiling. " But you did really good, for it to be your first time trying."

" Girl I don't do snow and cold. Don't try to convert me into doing this again"

Keith sad slamming his hand on the table. Y/N laughed placing her hand on his arm.

" Come on Keith it's fun to ski." " Not when I dead??"

Laughter coming from the whole room* " Keith you should join one of those kids trainings, where they all ski in a line, really really slow" Noah said from across the room.

" Bitch even those kids are better than me. I saw a four year old go down the slope in like 50miles/hour"

" No that was just Olivia" I said and everyone laughed loudly.

" Whatever, I'm not doing it again that's for sure. All i wanna do right now is is crash on the sofa and watch a movie."

" Well we do have a in house cinema, if that's would work for you" Y/N said and the whole room went dead silent.

" What did you just say?" Boze asked while standing up.

" We have a in house cinema downstairs..."

" There is a downstairs?? And you guys are making fun of me for getting lost, I didn't even know there was a downstairs, this place is massive." Joven said leaning on his chair with his arms extended.

" haha that's alright Joven, but yes as I was saying we do have a in house cinema where all the chairs has a in built massage setting and a electric heating blanket. I can ask the chef to make some popcorn if you are all up for a movie night? "

The whole room was silent. I think we all went in to chock mode.

" Guys I do think I died today skiing and ended up in heaven. " Keith said breaking the silence.

" Is there anything this place doesn't have?" Wes said chuckling.

" I think we all know what to do now" Courtney said raising her hand and we all knew exactly what she meant.

" GO" Matt said and all of us ran towards Y/N to give her a massive group hug.

" Ahhh no not the hungry hippos again! " she screamed and laughed as we surrounded her. I don't think i've ever ran so fast in my life. I manage to get to her first, my body ended up pressed against hers as we all were squeezed together. I could feel her breath in my ear, her breasts being pressed on my chest. Grandma, grandma, grandma. Shayne stop thinking about it, otherwise this is about to get really awkward.

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