Chapter ten- The Party

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Saturday night.

Shayne's POV

Music is blasting from the venue when the guard occasionally opens the door to let people in. Our whole group makes it cross the street, several people are now looking our way. I don't blame them, a massive group of loud Americans covering the sidewalk, not exactly blending in.

We make it to the entrance, with Matt in the lead. He gives the guard a nod, grabs the badge from his pocket and shows it to him. The guard looks at it and a big smile comes across his face. He opens the door and welcomes us into the building.

We walked in silence, all probably thinking the same thing, until Boze broke the silence, saying what was on all of our minds.

" I don't think I've ever seen a security guard smile before".

" Right!" Courtney shouted widening her eyes.

" I don't know if I weirded out or just suprisingly grateful" Joven huffed.

We all nodded our heads and I don't know who, but someone was just about to start a sentence, when we all stopped in our steps, jaws on the floor.

The room we'd walked into was first of all huge, not the size you thought it would be judging by the size of the building.

There were strobe lights in ever corner of the room, a massive DJ booth, three different bars across the venue and a big set of stairs, probably leading to the outdoor terrace. Even with all the light and banging music, the room had a snow cabin sort of vibe. So this must be like a mix of a night club and a "after ski"

There were people moving around like crazy animals every way you looked. On the bars, on the tables, even on each other. I would guess there were maybe around 50-60 people in the room, which isn't a lot but it looked crowded as hell, thanks to all the tables and flashing decorations.

" This is insane" Noah shouted trying to be heard over the loud music.

"AND I LOVE IT " Keith yelled happily and started to dance along to the music.

" What do we do now? " I asked Matt feeling stupid just standing by the door staring at people dancing.

" Y/N told us to meet us by the door when we got here, but I don't see her anywhere..."

The music changed to from house dubstep to classic ABBA songs. The whole room started cheering and you can tell that people in here are genuinely very happy. It almost feelt like one big family having a blast together.

Voulez-Vous- is played through the DJ booth and suddenly a massive cheer comes from one of the bars.

From the crowed a woman steps up on the bar and starts to dance, smiling like she's the happiest person in the world.

It's not hard to see that it is Y/N standing there, having the time of her life.

I can't help but smile at her.

She makes eye contact with me, smiles widely, waves her hands and makes it down back to the floor, and towards us.

It's not until she's face to face with us, when I realize how beautiful she looked. She had high waisted black pants, with a glittery off-shoulder top, framing her beautiful body shape. I could not take my eyes off her.

Your POV

I look into Shayne's eyes, blushing when I realize he can't seem to keep his eyes off me. He was wearing black pants with a white button up shirt and DAMN was he handsome. It makes my body shiver and I lost my words for a second. I then turn my eyes to Matt and starts smiling like crazy.

" WELCOME GUYS!! Sorry if you had to wait."

" Oh no worries, I'm just glad we didn't miss the show" Mari winked at me making me laugh.

" Haha yeah, I kind of get taken away when I'm here- but that's a sign of being happy and not caring about peoples opinion. Here we all dance like nobody is watching. People are very relaxed here. You can come as you are and just enjoy being care-free for a few hours. " I smile looking at my new family, feeling a wave of gratefulness and happiness towards them being here.

" Now!" I clapped my hands together. " Who wants free booze?"

The whole group cheered and I led them to one of the big VIP tables that were reserved for


We stayed at the table for most of the night, drinking and laughing together. Keith, Olivia and Courtney spent most of the time on the dance floor. I was sitting next to Shayne, with one of my hands on his thigh and his hand was around my waist.

"I'm gonna go and get us another round of shots"

I shouted over the table and they all cheered raising their glasses in joy, making me laugh. I walk away and stood by the bar, talking to John, the head bartender. I give him the order, and he starts to prepare the shots.

I feel a hand lightly touch my shoulder.

" Hello darling"

I recognized that voice. My heart stops and I felt myself freeze on the spot.

Gabriel. No, please No... 

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