Chapter Sixteen - surprise

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Shayne's POV

"Okay everybody the first Winter games video is out and the views are flying in. Looking at the comments people are very excited and we have strong believes that this is going to be the best winter games we've done"

This is the day I have dreading. Having to watch our winter games videos and not being able to not think about Y/N...

It's been five weeks since I saw her last and it's been absolute hell. I have tried to not focus on the pain I was feeling while recording our daily videos but trying to be funny and laugh isn't exactly easy when there's zero joy in your body. Sometimes I catch myself with these thoughts and how absurd it sounds, but the feeling is very real.

Damien elbows be in arm while Ryan keeps the meeting going. I look over at him and he gives me a sad expression. He knows how hard this is for me. Both him and Courtney has been the greatest supporters, trying to help me feel better and quiet frankly... helping me move on.

Moving on... the thought makes me nauseous. I don't want to move on. I don't want her to be out of my life. I have been talking to her a lot, but the this last week she's been quite off. I don't know why and its killing me. Is the trying to move on? Has she meet someone else?

No I can't start thinking these thoughts... I need to keep my shit together.

Today has been very weird. Like the atmosphere in the office has changed. Sarah stops my line of thinking with addressing the room.

"Okay so we have a little surprise! To celebrate that the first Winter Games video is up and it being a complete success..." The room starts to cheer and shouts. " we have decided to through a little party tonight at Ian's house!!"

People really like this idea and the excitement grew.

"The party starts at 6 pm tonight and we will order pizza for everyone! You are all allowed to go home early to get ready for tonight". A few people started to chatter among each other and Courtney ran out of the door, with Mari following her. That's weird...why are they in such a rush? It's 3pm, the party doesn't start in like 3 hours. Oh well. I'm trying to figure out my own feelings. Am I excited for the party or am I too depressed to even go... Like he was reading my mind, Ian comes over to me and lays his hand on my shoulder.

" I think tonight will be good for you buddy." I look up at Ian and nod my head. "I know you are right. I will be there" He smiles back at me and walks away towards the other.

I open the door to my car, get in the drivers seat and starts to drive home. On the way I decided to get some frustration out at the gym. After stepping out of the shower 2 hours later I realize it's already 5.30pm. I quickly get dressed and jump in car, driving towards Ian's house.

30 minutes later I walk into Ian's house and everybody seems to already be here. I make my round talking to my co-workers. Everyone is in a really good mood and almost like they are excited. After a little bit I realize that neither Courtney or Mari is here. I walk over to Matt and Ian. " Hey, do you know if Court and Mari is coming tonight?"

Matt and Ian extend a glans, slightly smirking. I furrow my brows confused.

"They should be here soon, I think they are picking up the pizza"

Mari and Courtney starts shouting as they seconds later enter the living room.


The group is gathered around the dinner table, grasping as many pizza sliders as they can carry. We are all again chatting with music and laughter filling the house.

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