00. prologue

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"Geeks do not have pedigrees
Or perfect punk-rock resumes
Or anorexic magazines
It smells like girl, it smells like girl"

-she walks on me by hole


April 5th, 1994

Loud shots echoed through the abandoned halls of the school.

Kids stayed huddled in their designated classrooms while he wandered the halls, looking for his next victim.

With her legs drawn up, Marceline hides in the stall of the bathroom she was in when the first round of shots went off. She feels tears swelling in her eyes as she keeps her hand tight over her mouth to keep her breathing silent.

The main door to the bathroom creaks open, the heavy steps of combat boots creeping towards her in deadly anticipation. The steps slow as they reach the first stall. She hears the unlocked door to the first stall fling open, only for the shooter to be met with nothing.

Doing the same to the next stall, he finds no one. Tears stream her cheeks and her hand sweats as it stays placed over her mouth. The boots stop in front of her stall and she sees them from under the door.

The man pauses, sensing there was someone on the other side of the door. The stall door flies open, his gun already positioned and aimed at her.

"Tate?" she asks with a choked-back sob. His eyes soften but only briefly. He wore all black and held a gun that appeared to be a rifle. "Why are you doing this?"

He doesn't bother to answer before pulling the trigger.

"I'll see you soon," he whispers to her as she dies before kissing her bloodied cheek and walking out of the bathroom.



I always said I'd never write anything about Tate but here I am. I do not condone any of his actions in the show. This is purely fiction and you should not romanticize the shooters Tate is based on.

This book will also be Hole (the band) themed on Marceline's side. I do not condone Courtney Love either. I hate her and she's a horrible racist among other things but her music is good.

Warning for this book includes smoking, language, murder, drugs, alcohol (briefly), self harm, blackmail, mature themes such as smut, and mental problems. Look away if these trigger you.

Also, this is pretty clearly pre-death Tate so keep that in mind.

**2022 me is updating this because it hit 150k views and that's really weird to me. For context, i wrote this while balls deep in my AHS phase and in love with Evan Peters. If this is horrible (bad grammar, weird storylines, etc), please don't come for me. This was the first full length anything I've ever done with a developed plot and I like to think I've gotten better :)**

And now, we shall continue on to the story...


and i love her ▸ tate langdon ✓Where stories live. Discover now