20. letter to god

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I always wanted to die
But You kept me here alive


By the second day of Tate's suspension, they had already run into a problem.

Tate hovers over her, the both of them wearing just underwear as they make out. Tate reaches his hand over to his nightstand, fishing for another condom as they continue kissing.

Unable to find one, he breaks the kiss. Marceline groans as she watches him search his nightstand drawer for a condom. "We ran out," he says finally, pulling his hand from the drawer. Marceline huffs, irritated at the small inconvenience.

"We can just go out and get more," she shrugs. "I don't buy condoms," he replies, a 'duh' tone in his voice. "Why not? You embarrassed?" Marceline teases.

He shakes his head, the red on his cheeks contrasting the denial of her words. "How did you get the first box to begin with?" she asks. "Found them in my parent's bathroom from years ago. They've always just been there," Tate answers.

Marceline hums, getting out from under Tate and pulling her shirt back on. "I am not letting you fuck me with no condom," she says.

"Why not? I'll pull out," Tate tries.

Marceline chuckles, looking back to face him. "No offense, baby. But I highly doubt you'd do it in time," she says, patting his cheek softly before standing from the bed and pulling on the shorts she wore before Tate had taken them off of her.

Tate sighs heavily, pulling his own clothes on. "We can take my mom's car. She carpooled with Larry today," Tate says, buttoning his jeans.

Nodding Marceline follows him out of his room. They go out to his mom's car and start the drive to the corner store.


"Fuck..." Marceline draws, her breath bated as she bounces up and down on Tate's dick. His fingers dig into her hips, his hands fitting in the shape of bruises from the past two days of sex.

The windows of the car were fogged, the car rocking as Marceline tried to bring both of them to completion. His soft groans only encouraged her further, soon bringing them both to their climaxes.

Her movements become jagged as she orgasms, her body vibrating as Tate cums into his condom.

Slowing to a stop, Marceline lays on his chest. They had decided to have risky car sex after the condoms just to know what it was like. So, parked in the back of a Target parking lot, they recover from their orgasms.

Tate adjusts the seat back to how it was before, fixing his clothes as he turns the car on. Marceline rolls the window down to alleviate some of the heat in the car.

Marceline slips her fingers into the pocket of his jeans, grabbing his cigarettes since hers were taken and she hadn't bought another pack yet. Using the car lighter, she presses the heated metal to the tip of her cigarette and inhales.

Angling her smoke out the window, Tate pulls out of the parking lot and merges onto the main road. Her hand dangles out the window, the usual warm air running cold with how quickly Tate drives down the road.

Tate turns up the radio, some random song playing since he had it on a local station. "What're you gonna do when you graduate?" Marceline asks Tate.

He looks at her, the question coming by surprise. "Uh... I haven't thought about it. Why?"

She shrugs, inhaling deeply on her cigarette. "I don't think I want to make it another year. If I fail, I'll just be a disappointment. My dad will say I'm just like my mother. Maybe if I don't make it to graduation, I'd save myself from the failure and rejection of it all," she explains in a calm voice.

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