07. softer, softest

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I tell you everything
And I hope that you won't tell on me


Halloween was fast approaching and Fall had finally begun. As much as Fall could do in California. It was still warm but not as hot as it could be.

Marceline walks through the crowded hallways, leaving the school since it was lunch break. Sitting at her usual spot behind the school, Tate soon appears beside her. It was their schedule. They'd walk to school together, spend lunch together, and walk home together.

She hands him a cigarette, lighting his before she lit her own. She draws her knees to her chest, her eyes scanning the empty field in front of them. "What're you doing for Halloween?" she asks Tate.

"I don't know. Probably watch a movie or something," Tate shrugs in response. At least the house would be quiet on Halloween.

"What movie?" she asks him next. He looks over at her, a small smile dancing on his lips. "Something Stephen King, probably," he answers. She nods, taking a long drag on her cigarette. "You look stressed. What's up?"

"Nothing. It's just that Christian guy is relentlessly trying to get with me," she tells him, her free hand playing with the lace on her shoes. "I reject him once and all the sudden he makes it his personal mission to get with me,"

"That's sad," Tate comments.

"It is sad. I just want him off my ass," she says with a deep exhale of smoke. Tate grins, a mischievous look in his eyes. "I might have an idea," he says. The back door of the school flies open and Mrs. Greene walks out, her eyes landing on the two.

"I've warned you twice, Miss. Vera. And Tate, I expected more out of you," she says, her voice making Marceline internally scream. It was like nails on a chalkboard. "Principal's office. The both of you,"

The two get up from the ground, Tate tossing out his cigarette but Marceline kept hers in her hand. "Get rid of it," Mrs. Greene demands. "I paid for these cigarettes. I'm going to enjoy them," she snarkily replies.

Mrs. Greene snatches the cigarette from her hand and throws it to the ground, stomping on it with her heel. "You owe me one," Marceline comments as they walk inside of the school. Tate follows her to the principal's office, Mrs. Greene letting them walk the halls alone.

They reach the office, being told to sit down and wait for the principal, Mr. West, to be ready for them. "Marceline, Tate," the voice of the principal calls them. The two stand from their chairs, heading into his office and sitting on the two chairs opposite Mr. West's desk.

The man stares at the two, his eyes holding an accusing expression. "I don't understand," the older man starts. "Where do you get your cigarettes?" he asks. His question mostly directed towards Marceline.

She shrugs, not cracking under his pressure. He didn't scare her. Why would he? He was just some mediocre school principal.

"Detention this afternoon," he says with a heavy exhale. "I can't," Marceline protests, her voice flat. Tate and Mr. West stare at her, her blunt words catching them by surprise. "I have a tutoring session,"

"Well, punishment needs to be enforced. We have a strict no-smoking rule here," he says.

"So punishment comes before education?" Marceline asks, her head tilted to the side. Tate, who sits beside her, hits her leg under the table. Mr. West stares at her, not sure what to say in response. "Fine. I'll do the detention," she concedes.

"Good. Tate, I'm disappointed in you," the principal says, looking at Tate who stayed silent. He just nods, his eyes lowered away from Mr. West's eyes. "You two may go," Mr. West dismisses.

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