21. how dirty girls get clean

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This is how hell forms
This is how a storm begins


People finally began to leave Tate alone at school. Marceline wasn't sure if it was because people were afraid of him, or if the fun of mocking him was dried up.

Either way, it was a relief.

Marceline sits in her English class, bored out of her mind as her teacher talks about something to do with "deeper meanings" again.

The bell finally rings and Marceline is first out of the classroom. She finds her way to Tate, who was coming out of some creative writing course class. "Hi," he greets, a smile on his lips as he sees Marceline.

"Hi," she says with a soft exhale. "My parents aren't gonna be home tonight so we can hang out at my house,"

Lately, they hadn't been able to walk to school together since her father would watch her leave the house to make sure she was alone. He was very obsessive about her following his rules. But anytime there was an empty house, they jumped at the opportunity.

Especially since they're horny and hormonal teenagers and very rarely get to see each other outside of school unless one person's house is empty.

Tate smiles. "Sounds good," he agrees. "So I'll see you at the end of school,"

Marceline nods, kissing him quickly as the bell rings. "Bring condoms," she whispers into his ear. Tate blushes, his heart beating heavily as he watches Marceline walk away with a sneaky grin.


"Harder," Marceline moans out, knowing Tate was going easy on her for some odd reason. His fingers dig into her hips, pulling her ass into his thrusts. Marceline is positioned ass up, face down as Tate kneels on the bed behind her.

Her moans were soft and broken, her voice shaking with each rough thrust Tate makes. Tate groans softly, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he fucks in and out of her wet pussy.

She grips at her sheets, her body tensing as she felt her orgasm approaching. In the midst of her pleasure, she heard a car door slam shut. "W-What was that?" she asks Tate since he could easily see out of the window.

"Nothing," he lies. "It was nothing," he excuses as he keeps fucking her. She believes his words until the front door downstairs opens and closes heavily.

Both Tate and Marceline freeze, panic coursing through their bodies. "Fuck," Marceline mutters. Tate pulls out of her, pulling his pants back up as Marceline scrambles off the bed and pulls a thin tank top on.

Tate messily searches for his shirt, unable to locate it. "Marcy?" they hear her father call out, his voice and footsteps coming increasingly close.

"Find it!" Marceline whisper screams at him. "I fucking can't!" he says in the same tone of voice as her. She pulls on her shorts, not caring to pull on underwear as Tate panics just as bad as her. "You in here?" her dad says from right outside her door.

Marceline pushes Tate into her closet, closing the door on him right as her dad opens the door to her room and peeks in. She looks at him, plastering an innocent smile on her lips as her hand remains on the closet door.

"Hey. What're you doing?" he asks her, noticing how her hands linger on the door. Tate holds his breath in the relatively small and dark closet, able to see through the slats of the door. He sees Marceline looking at her father, her makeup smeared, her hair messy, and her skin covered in a thin layer of sweat.

"Just got back from a jog. I'm... very hot," Marceline excuses, shaking her head as she speaks to further convince her father of her lie.

Her dad just nods slowly. "Mhm," he hums. "Well, there was an accident on the highway and it's backed up so we decided to just reschedule the appointment for Gloria's checkup. It's next Friday, now," he tells her.

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