26. loaded

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Open my scar, let out my stars
Slut me open and suck my scars


Tate and Marceline stumble up into his room, their lips hot on each other.

He was really gonna use her consent to be as rough as possible to his advantage.

Pulling back from her, he practically tears her shirt off of her body. He throws it aside, her little gasp making him grin. Tate moves to her jeans next, yanking them off her body so she's left in just her bra and panties.

She bites her lower lip, watching him with wide eyes as she awaits his next move. She didn't know how rough he'd go, and she didn't care if he slapped her across the face. Marceline just wanted a good old-fashioned distraction.

"How harsh do you want this to be?" Tate asks, having a lot of things he'd want to do. She shrugs. "However you want. I'm completely yours," she answers earnestly.

He smirks, cracking his neck before reaching out and gripping her neck with a tight grasp. "Knees," he states simply, pushing her to the ground against his wall. She whimpers softly, her head being pushed against the wall.

She looks up at him with wide eyes as he lets go of her neck only to take off his shirt. She stays in place as he unzips his jeans, pulling them down before pulling down his boxers as well.

Marceline quickly opens her mouth, feeling his hand find its way back to her throat as he abruptly pushes his hard dick into her mouth. She chokes on it, the tip hitting the very back of her throat.

He pauses there for a second before pulling back and starting to fuck her face. He groans in relief, his head falling back as he thrusts into her mouth.

Her eyes water, the feeling of his dick hitting so deep in her mouth turning her on. His fingers lace in her hair, tugging while keeping her in place so that he could fuck her mouth even harder. Tears stream down her cheeks as he repeatedly hits her gag reflex.

"Such a good girl," Tate praises, sighing deeply. She looks up at him through her lashes, taking in how pretty he looked as he used her like some sort of toy.

His hand tightens around her neck before he pulls out of her mouth. Tate pulls her up from the ground, pinning her against the wall she stood against. "You wanna be fucked like a slut? Hm? Like a dirty bitch?" he degrades.

She whimpers, a new feeling of arousal coursing through her body. "Mhm," she chokes out, his hand still keeping a secure hold on her neck.

Tate smirks, his hand moving up so that he was gripping her neck right below her jaw for more control over her. "Take off your bra and panties," he orders. She quickly follows, pushing down her panties as much as she could before kicking them off the rest of the way.

Her hands snake around behind her back and unclasp her bra, shaking it off before her eyes go back onto Tate's. She was beyond horny and wanted nothing more than to be fucked into delicious oblivion.

Tate mumbles for her to jump as he takes his hand off of her throat. He hooks his hands under her thighs, letting her jump into his arms so he could hold her up. Tate didn't look very strong, but he was. It was a surprise when Marceline first found out.

Keeping her back pushed to the wall, his lips meet her as he pushes his dick roughly into her pussy. She gasps into his lips, her hips pressing down onto his as she keeps her legs wrapped around his waist.

His body was pressed against hers, the intimacy still there no matter how mercilessly Tate thrusts into her wet cunt.

Her arms wrap behind his neck, her head pressed against the wall as Tate's lips travel down from her lips to underneath her jaw. Tate called that her sweet spot because she always moaned when he kissed her there.

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