19. for once in your life

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You just don't love me and I just don't care
Oh, I never said I would play fair


Tate and Marceline walk through the halls of school during passing period, holding hands inconspicuously.

"Hey," a voice from behind them calls. They were in a relatively empty hallway. Maybe ten people around them. So both Tate and Marceline knew the person who spoke was targeting their word to them.

Turning around, they see Ryan.

Both Tate and Marceline felt like this wouldn't end well at all. "I heard from my buddy that the both of you are dating now. I gotta say, congrats," Ryan plasters an incredibly fake smile on his lips as his eyes flash between the two of them.

Ryan's eyes land on Marceline specifically. Tate stands beside her, his jaw clenching and his breathing goes heavy. "You're gonna regret breaking up with Daniel when little Tater tot here can't get his dick hard for you," Ryan says.

Before Marceline could do anything, Tate was lunging forward and punching Ryan square in the face. Ryan goes stumbling back, his hand going to hold his cheek.

Ryan had an odd look of shock on his face, almost like he was surprised that Tate punched him. Tate kicks Ryan to the ground, a pained groan leaving Ryan's lips as he tumbles down to the tile floor.

Tate leans over the boy, his dark eyes filled with threat. "Say that shit again, and I'll fucking slit your throat," Tate lowers his voice to that sinister tone that Marceline had only ever heard once. Tate stands back up straight, walking back over to Marceline.

"Fucking freak!" Ryan yells after Tate as they walk away. Tate just continues walking away, not caring to bother with Ryan.

It didn't take long for Tate to be called to the office, either.

Marceline had gone to her next class and waited to hear what type of punishment he was getting. At the end of the school day, Marceline finally caught up with him again for their walk home.

"How long?" she asks him, glancing over at him. "A week," he answers dryly. "Suspension," Tate adds. Marceline groans, her thumbs hooked under her backpack straps.

"He deserved it, though. That should count," Marceline comments.

"But he's the best football player this fucking school has. He could be accused of murder and the principal wouldn't care," Tate says flatly, irritation in his voice. "I can skip school if you want. Maybe we could just hang out all day," Marceline suggests, a timidness to her voice.

Tate shakes his head. "I'm not letting you ruin your education for me," he counters, walking her to her tutor's house since it was Monday.

He drops her off at the house, kissing her quickly before walking off to go to his own house. Marceline walks inside, smiling at Jax as she passes him. Getting in the kitchen, Marceline finds Mrs. Evergreen at the table per usual.

"Who was that boy?" Mrs. Evergreen asks, a teasing tone in her voice as Marceline sets out her homework. "Tate. He's my boyfriend," Marceline replies, a wide smile on her lips. "Ooh," Mrs. Evergreen hums, laughing softly.

"Yeah. My dad kinda hates him. Says he's a bad influence. It kinda sucks because I have to pretend I'm going to hang out with a girl," Marceline explains.

"Dad's are never any fun," Mrs. Evergreen replies, clicking her pen.

Marceline chuckles. "I have to agree. Ever since my stepmom got pregnant, he cares less and less about me. I mean, why would he care if I'm dating Tate? He just wants to control me," she says, resting her chin on her palm.

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