15. heaven tonight

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Take you to heaven tonight
Cause I love you for what you are


"Your hair is so pretty," Marceline drunkenly slurs, her fingers threading through Tate's hair. She sits on the ground as Tate lays on the bed, also completely drunk. "It's so... so soft and nice,"

Tate laughs, humming contently as her fingers run through his hair. Tate rolls around on the bed, now face to face with Marceline who sits on the floor. "Your hair is pretty, too," he replies, running his fingers through her slightly knotted hair.

She had this drunk almost sloppy smile on her lips that allured Tate. She always looked so effortlessly pretty. Even after drinking all too much tequila.

Her cheeks turn a deep red, making Tate laugh. "You're cute," he comments, groaning as he gets off the bed and walks over to the TV where a small radio sat. He twists the dial, turning the old radio on.

Mazzy Star's 'Fade Into You' plays, the mellow sound of the song immediately making marceline jump up off the floor. "I bought this album when it came out last month! This song is better than drugs, Tate,"

She walks over to the radio and turns it up. "Not too loud. We're in a hotel," Tate warns, his own words slurred a bit but not as bad as Marceline's were. She wasn't a very clean drunk.

Marceline starts swaying and dancing Stevie Nicks style, humming softly to the song. Tate takes a swig from the now-empty tequila bottle, watching as Marceline dances with a smile. He truly did adore her.

Sensing his staring, Marceline pauses her dancing and looks at Tate. "Dance with me," she says, extending her hand for him.

He shakes his head, but Marceline insists. "Come on! You just gotta..." Marceline trails off as she starts spinning in slow circles, her eyes closed. Tate still doesn't join in and Marceline grabs his hands, pulling him so he'd dance with her.

They spin in slow circles to the song, her cold hands holding his. "It's fun, see?" she says, their faces just five inches apart. He smiles, nodding in response.

Her one hand travels up his arm, following the veins that spread out on his pale skin. Marceline's heart beats loudly and she finds comfort in the fact she could feel Tate's quick pulse as well.

Tate looks down at Marceline, the closeness of the two making it difficult to keep away. Both of them being on the exact same page, they lean in and kiss each other.

And that was the last thing either of them remembered.


Marceline woke up the next morning, her skin freezing cold to the touch and her head pounding.

Her eyes search the room, reminding herself that she was in a hotel room in New York City with Tate who's lap her head was resting on. Sitting up quietly, she sees Tate laying on the bed still asleep with all of his clothes on.

That was a good sign.

Getting up from the bed, Marceline stumbles into the bathroom and closes the door, looking at herself in the mirror.

Her skin was more pale than usual and her eyes had severe bags under them. She looked like shit, long story short. Splashing cold water on her face, Marceline walks back into the room to see Tate sitting up on the bed, looking just as bad as Marceline did.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" he asks her, his voice raspy from sleep. Marceline shakes her head, crossing her arms. "I'm gonna run out and get some Pedialyte. I can't imagine this hangover will go away easily," he says.

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