14. clouds

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Angel dust gets in your eyes, your hair
On acid stars you're getting there


It was finally Thanksgiving break and Marceline was fucked.

She was feeling beyond guilty about the entire Tate fiasco. She was dating Daniel officially and yet she went and kissed Tate. And liked it. That was the worst part. The fact she enjoyed it.

Maybe it was the fact that Tate was always there for her and he always treats her so nice that makes her think she has feelings for him. Marceline never really knew what it was like to have genuine feelings for someone. Maybe they're just platonic for Tate.

Then again, maybe it's just platonic feelings with Daniel.

It was all too confusing. Everything was overwhelming her. She felt so bombarded by everything. Forced to go to shit tutoring, forced to do crap for her stepmother who is pregnant, forced to keep up perfect grades. Why was she held to such high standards?

She just wanted hers and Tate's relationship to return how it used to be. Playful and friendly. When they'd do coke together and listen to music. Or when they'd wander around at night.

Marceline missed Tate. More than she'd care to admit.

After the kiss, they had progressed to walking together in silence at school. They didn't talk much, still. But it was something. They were getting somewhere.

While walking home together in their usual silence, Marceline decided to be the one to break it. "What're you doing over break?" she asks him, her eyes forward since she found herself struggling to look him in the eyes anymore.

"Probably nothing. I dunno," he shrugs, also not looking at Marceline.

"Well, somebody I used to know when I was in middle school and he was in high school, now works for MTV. Specifically setting up the sets for Unplugged shows," Marceline explains to him. "And I also happen to know that Nirvana is performing this weekend,"

Tate stops in his tracks, turning to face you. "What're you saying, Mars?" he asks, excitement on his face. Marceline smiles, her eyes finding his. "I'm saying that I have two front-row seats reserved for the show, Tate," she tells him.

"No shit. You're joking," he says with an incredulous chuckle. Marceline shakes her head. "As serious as possible," she shrugs.

"H-How do I repay you? You've given me my fucking dream," he says as the two of you start walking again. "You don't have to. You've done more for me than you think. And plus, the seats kinda just fell into my hand," Marceline says, loving how excited he was.

They get to her house, stopping in front of her mailbox.

"Um, what about Daniel?" Tate brings up, feeling the need to mention it. Marceline sighs, putting a deceiving smile on her lips. "He's going to his grandparent's house in Utah so it won't be an issue," Marceline answers.

"Good," Tate says, concealing the genuine happiness he felt at the news of Daniel being out of town. Marceline nods, saying goodbye before walking up the sidewalk and into her house.

She had told her parents that she was going to the concert with her friend but never specified who. It wasn't like her dad or Gloria would miss her through the weekend. Since the concert was a bit away, Marceline used some saved up money to use on a motel room to stay at.

Gloria stands by the living room window, the window that looked out to exactly where Marceline and Tate were speaking. Before Marceline could speak, Gloria cut in. "I don't care, Marceline. Just don't be stupid with him, okay?"

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