chapter 1 - gold dress

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the sun slowly got up, while the moon and the stars faded away with the night. a ray of light kept trying to get into the room full of plants and little crystals and it laid down on the closed eyes of the asleep girl. she whimpered and opened her eyelids reluctantly.

"god, why so early?" trixie said while squinting without desire. "should i get up now, baby?"
her dog went up to the bed and put the head on the girl's arm.

"okay then, let's!" trixie stood on her own feet and, after shaking her head to kinda get her hair on point, went down the stairs.

"oh shit girl you look bad" said adore while making pancakes.

"yea cause you are so beautiful instead, hm?" trixie sat on the chair and closed her eyes while she was keeping her head with the hand, just to prevent.

"come on, eat these" her roommate put the pancakes in front of her sleepy face.

"i don't want to, i'm not that hungry" argued trixie, moving the dish away.

"you're such a bitch, eat those motherfuckers. i made them for you" said adore, taking seat next to her friend.

"what did you make them of? shit? you never cook for me, let alone bake for me!" trixie laughed and took a fork, while putting the dish closer to her.

"so, are you ready for this night?" asked adore, eating her first pancake with maple syrup.

"should i?" replied the other one, staring at the food doing nothing.

"i don't know, probably yes. it's gonna be so cool!" daydreamed adore.

"i'm not that sure actually" argued trixie.

"oh god you're so boring" adore rolled her eyes and looked straight into her friend's eyes.

"girl, you know that i'm not interested in those things i-" said the blonde one.

" yea i know, you're interested in watering plants and talking to the clouds" adore finished her sentence and started laughing.

"don't laugh at me you ugly bitch" said trixie, pretending to be offended.

"i'm not, i'm just saying what you were about to say hoe" adore got up and, with her mouth full, started washing her dish.

"can you just eat up?" asked trixie.

"boring" replied her friend while rubbing her hands.


the sun gradually let space to the moon, the rain gave place to puddles and the wind was running through the streets, creating cold currents all over the edge of the roads.

a lot of noise was coming from the room upstairs, while the two roommates were busy in choosing the dress that the blonde one was going to pick.
there were so many clothes thrown to the ground that somebody could barely walk there.

"no, this is ugly like the last one" said adore, tired.

"oh come on, it's not that bad" replied trixie, looking at the dirty mirror.

"it is, it's literally green and red. not even complementary colors!" argued the other one, holding her hands in the hair.

"it's pretty instead" trixie did a twirl.

"no it's not" said adore getting up confused.

"why don't you try this one?" asked, picking up a gold dress with lace.

"i don't know, i prefer the one i'm wearing now" the blonde girl smiled at her friend.

"try this one, i promise you're gonna look even better" adore gave the gold piece to trixie, forcing her to put in on.

"girl-" said the other one.

"i said you're gonna look even better" adore bit the bullet.

"holy shit, fine. give me this motherfucker" trixie aggressively wrested the dress from the friend's hands.


to be continued...

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