chapter 7 - "i'm katya"

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the moon was high in the night sky full of stars, the wind was gone and a fresh new spring air was running through the streets. "the rabbit's hole" was about to close, bianca was lowering the big shutter while yelling at some guys near the bins.

"it's about to be three in the morning fellas, you gotta go home" the older woman said trying to find the right key for the shutter.

the drunk boys didn't seem to hear what bianca was saying and they kept smoking some weed near her club.

"they're not okay and they'll probably sleep there" gigi pointed at a space near the bins. "i mean it's a little bit dirty but-"

the performer with the french accent came up with some of the girls. "that is definitely a dirty place to sleep, sweetheart" she said while fixing her white mullet.

gigi turned around. "well, i guess you're right" smiled. "oh and you were all so fucking good, i was amazed" she said while waving her hands in the air.

"thank you" the performer nodded. "what's your name?" asked. "i saw you having fun in the crowd, you seem cool"

"she said i'm cool" gigi whispered in trixie's ear, making the blonde girl smile.

"i'm gigi" the red haired girl blushed a little bit. "and what's yours?"

"oh i'm nicky, she's ginger, then we got raja, raven, jan and..." the french performer was counting her friends realizing that one of them was missing. she frowned.

"and katya" a voice echoed in the street. "i was putting my shit in the car" she was walking towards them, her hips were shaking and her figure was against the moonlight.

"she's katya, a fake russian" nicky smiled.

"oh come on, they probably all believed me being a real russian woman" she said, getting closer to the group of girls.

"i'm katya" she introduced herself, waving her hand.

trixie smiled, not being able to focus her attention in any other part of katya but her eyes.

"bianca this night was fire" katya said to the older woman. "you ancient bitch" smirked.

"don't come for me now, i'm not ancient hoe"

"you kinda are, come on" nicky said. "we still don't know all of your names though, i just know that cute apple pie" the french performer winked at gigi.

"she said i'm an apple pie" the red haired girl whispered at trixie.

"adore delano" the girl said, waving her hand.

"hello adore, you're so pretty" nicky replied.

"can you stop flirting miss doll?" asked raven, fixing her piercings.

"i'm just appreciating her beauty" the french one put her hands up, smiling.

raven rolled her eyes.

"no don't worry, i like compliments" adore said. "i'm not really used to them, but i guess it's okay"

nicky nodded. "and what's your name?" asked, referring to trixie.

the blonde girl turned her head to the french performer. "oh well i'm trixie" said, a veil of shyness in her face.

"i like your name" said jan with a big smile.

the blonde girl smiled back. "thank you i guess"

"don't be shy ugly ass and fix your dress" adore smirked at her roommate. "you know, she fell there" she said, pointing at a puddle.

the whole group followed her finger: a big puddle was staying right next the bins.

"can you shut the fuck up?" trixie asked. "you didn't even help me getting up"

"i did"

the blonde girl turned around blushing. "yea well actually not the puddle i-"

"she fell again?" adore asked.

"i got her up in the bathroom, she slipped on a piece of paper probably, i didn't pay attention to the ground i just made sure she was okay" katya looked at trixie while explaining to adore.

"i was trying to fix my dress because it's kinda wet and i fell again" the blonde girl said, playing with her fingers.

"oh bitch you're incredible" adore started laughing. "but i still like you"

trixie rolled her eyes. "thank you" added, referring to katya.

the kinda russian woman nodded, lighting up a cigarette: she inhaled the smoke and closed her eyes.

trixie followed her movements.

"it's late now" adore slapped her friend's arm, distracting trixie. "we really have to go"

"oh are you sure?" asked bianca. "we can talk a little bit more, you just met my girls"

"we would love to, but we have to go back home. it's night and we're alone in the streets"

trixie nodded while a veil of sadness was in her beautiful doll face. "yes we have to go" she said, looking at katya. their eyes met for a second.

"it was nice to meet all of you-"

"adore we have another show in some days, bianca can you take the notebook?" nicky asked, pointing at the older woman's bag.

"yes hold on" bianca searched and found a little brown notebook with the name of her club on it. "it's in three days" said, finding the right page. "and you have a private show, nicky"

"another one? for god's sake who's the lucky one"

"it's aquaria something... i can't really read the name i'm kinda blind you know"

"that is why you're ancient whore" katya laughed and trixie was sure she had never heard a better sound going out of those perfect lips.

the blonde girl took a big breath. "we have to go now"

adore nodded. "see you in three days"

"tracy i'll send you a message!" yelled gigi dramatically.

trixie smiled and looked at katya for one last time and their eyes met once again.


to be continued...

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