chapter 8 - unknown number

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the sun was finally up and trixie was already awake; she was watering her plants and flowers while wearing tons of crystals in rings and necklaces.

for her mind, it had been a rough night: she could not sleep at all, adore had been in the bathroom for hours and their dog had been barking the whole time.

"it's so early, why aren't you sleeping?" adore asked while passing through her room. "are you already doing your shit?" asked, fixing her messy hair.

trixie rolled her eyes. "oh so you're finally going to your bed hm?"

"don't answer with answers to my questions" adore put her hands on the sides of the door.

"you've been in the bathroom for the whole night" trixie turned her head to her friend. "are you okay, at least?"

adore nodded.

"okay i guess, you've been throwing up for hours. do you want some water?" she asked.

"i already had some, but we gotta buy that shit because you're giving it to your damn plants" adore opened her eyes.

"i'm giving ben water because he's thirsty" trixie pointed at a cactus.

"so they got fucking names?" adore got closer to her friend.

trixie nodded. "this is cher, then we got iris, poppy-"

"you named a plant poppy? like a puppy?"

"it's with the o, not u. stupid"

adore rolled her eyes. "okay go on"

"she's zinnia and is my favorite, look at how cute she is" trixie pointed at a lily of the incas.

"yea" adore said, disgusted. "let's pretend that i'm interested"

trixie shooked her head while putting down the watering can and took off her apron. she waved at her plants at went out of her room, followed by her friend.

"i didn't mean to be an asshole to your things, i swear" adore gestured.

"oh don't worry" trixie said while going downstairs. "you always are an asshole, not just to my stuff" she laughed.

"you bitch" adore slapped her arm. "did you fucking fix your gold dress?" added.

"yea i dried it, while you were sat down in front of the toilet"

they went to the kitchen and trixie got to the stove, taking the ingredients to make pancakes while adore sat down to the chair next the table.

"this morning i'm baking you something"

the black haired girl smiled with her eyes closed, she got comfortable and held her head with the hand.

"so, about yesterday... " trixie said while taking a pan. "i didn't know that you actually knew a business woman"

"oh you mean bianca del rio?"

the blonde girl nodded.

"i met her in high school, we were classmates. we got closer when i had to do a chemistry exam, so i invited her at home because she was really good in that subject and so we studied together" adore said while getting up to take a fork and knife.

"so you weren't good at chemistry and you still aren't, that's interesting"

"i mean, i'm not that bad i guess-"

trixie's phone ringed.

"did you meet somebody yesterday that i don't know?" adore asked trying to see the name of the person that sent the message.

the blonde girl stuck her tongue out while taking the phone.

1 new message from: Unknown number.

hello tracy, it's gigi! the one girl that you
met yesterday in the club, remember? i mean
it hasn't been so much time so you probably
do. anyway, this is my number, i just wanted
to send you a message so we can get
in touch whenever we want!
miss gigi goode at your service xx

"oh it's gigi, the redhead. we met her yesterday at the club of your friend" trixie said while memorizing the number.

"i mean it's kinda early to send a message"

"probably she's a morning person" trixie shrugged.

hi gigi, whaddup?

"should i put an heart emoji or something?" trixie asked while showing the phone to her friend.

"you want to put an heart emoji because you like that girl?" adore raised her brows.

trixie opened her eyes. "no i don't oh god"

"but i remember you blushing yesterday. i mean i was kinda drunk-"

"you were drunk, not kinda drunk whore" trixie rolled her eyes.

"probably i was a little bit drunk, but" adore pointed in the air. "i do remember you dying in the audience of that club and i do remember you staring at somebody"

trixie blushed. "i wasn't dyin-"

"ah shit you're doing that again" adore got up on the chair.

trixie raised her brows. "what am i-"

"yes you're still doing it oh god you like someone" adore jumped on that chair.

"you're gonna fall dumbass"

"don't try to change to-"

trixie closed her eyes while the chair on which adore was standing up fell to the ground and the black haired girl slipped and fell on her back.

"i told you and no, i'm not helping you getting up" trixie crossed her arms.

"you bitch, i helped you"

"no you didn't, i fell in the puddle and you stared at me probably laughing"

"you fell in the bathroom too and i helped you"

trixie looked up to the ceiling. "it wasn't you"

"and who the hell was that" adore asked while getting up from the floor, making trixie feel butterflies in her stomach once again.


to be continued...

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