chapter 21 - somebody to help katya

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"oh look at you, staring at the forbidden fruit"

trixie turned to her friend, raising her brows and opening her brown eyes.

"what?" the red haired girl asked, hand gesturing. "we already talked about that"

the footsteps grew louder and the voice of the owner of "the rabbit's hole" was now all over the street, still discussing with ross mathews.

"can you please close your awful mouth?" bianca said, walking to gigi and trixie.

the host tried to get closer to her ear. "i won't, old whore"

ross knew bianca since they were in their 20s and they were like lovebirds: if one of them two was euphoric so was the other one and if the owner of the club was mad, so was the host. bianca didn't like him at all and the culmination of it was when ross wrote an hate-song fully dedicated to her:

an hater, he came and sat by a ditch,
and he took an old cracked lute;
and he sang a song which was more of a screech
'gainst a woman that was a brute.

only ross knew that this wasn't one of his songs, just a percy bysshe shelley's; he used to take the ukulele in the middle of the shows, climb the tables and sing to the owner of the club. unfortunately, he's banned from giving to the audience that horrible melody, according to bianca. there's also a sign just behind the counter: "ross mathews is banned from singing the hate-song to the undersigned, bianca del rio".

"don't call me whore, cunt" the owner said while the group of people was now all stepping forwards the duo of friends.

"i bet you like it-" the host couldn't finish his sentence, a massive 'whack' hit his cheek, making his head going all the way to his left side.

"cunt" bianca said, blowing on his fist.

ross looked at the owner of the club and rolled his eyes. "it's unfair and it's uncalled for"

"good job, now we got two injured people... god je vous déteste tous!" nicky doll said, making her way through the little crowd of people.

raja went after her. "don't mind nicky, she's just upset for the show"

they were now just in front of gigi and trixie that were following with interest the whole conversation.

"she's sick or something" the french performer said to the duo of girls. "she gotta rest"

"can i speak for myself miss thing?" katya walked past her. "it's a contusion: the two motherfuckers that brought me to the ground made me hit my shoulder and now the redness is my blood i believe and it's so ugly" she was trying to understand what was written on the receipt. "how the hell can she write in this horrible way-"

"i know right, my mother is a seamstress and she writes in such an awful way..."

"gigi that's a nurse" trixie said.

the red haired girl raised her brows and formed with her lips an 'o'. "i mean, both of them two make something-"

"that's the motherfucker that was trying to kiss one of my girls, i remember her being a dumbass" bianca pointed at gigi.

the concerned one raised her brows. "i was just asking for her number"

"that's not allowed to do in my club"

"so can i ask for her number outside your club?" gigi smiled.

bianca frowned. "you just can't ask for her number hoe, that's my girl not yours"

"listen gal, she is really pretty and i'm really gay so i can ask for her number. that's not your property"

"actually she is-"

"damnit bianca, shut the fuck up" katya interrupted the host, still with the receipt in hand. "i need to rest, just as nicky said and i can't perform for some time. the lady said for a couple of days so i don't know..."

"you need somebody to stay with you" raja said, softly smiling at her friend.

gigi raised her brows and turned to trixie that was now shaking her head. "so you need somebody by your side that would do anything for you..."

"i would like someone to help me with daily shit so i won't stress my shoulder" katya said, giving the receipt to ross.

"what the hell am i?" the host asked, carrying four bags, his own pouch and now the little piece of paper. "actually i can handle this"

"good boy" bianca said, getting back ross sticking his tongue out.

"somebody that would do anything for the forbidden fruit" gigi whispered to trixie's ear.

"shut up gigi" the blonde haired girl yelled, not realizing that the whole group of people heard what she said.

"what did she tell you?" bianca asked.

"i just told her that-"

"she told me that i would be the perfect human being to help katya with her shoulder" trixie took a deep breath.

the red haired girl smiled at her friend. "yeah"


to be continued...

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